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Watch the Full 2022 Met Gala Red Carpet Livestream

Watch the full replay of the 2022 Met Gala red carpet to see every moment, outfit, interview and more.

Released on 05/03/2022


[classical music]

Hello and welcome to the 2022 Met Gala live.

I'm Vanessa Hudgens and I'll be your co-host

for tonight's red carpet,

here on the steps of The Metropolitan Museum of Art,

in New York city.

I am joined tonight by Hamish Bowles,

global editor-at-large at Vogue Magazine,

and editor in chief of The World of Interiors.

Hello Hamish.

Hello, Vanessa.

You look wonderful this evening.

Oh, thank you so much. I'm wearing Moschino,

designed by my dear friend, Jeremy Scott.

I am giving my most gilded, gothic, witchy fantasy.

I- it is honestly a dream being here right now.

And you look inc- Well, I love.

He's given you a total Bella-Pop silhouette

with leg o' mutton sleeves and everything.

Leg o' mutton sleeves. And with the transparency,

taken us right into the 2020s.

And you look amazing, this tiara.

Oh, well, thank you.

This was designed by Fulcode Verdura

for Betsey- Betsey Whitney.

Her husband, Jock, was the ambassador

to the court at Saint James,

and she- it was made for a ball

at Buckingham Palace in 1957.

Here she is wearing it.

And this is only its second outing,

so I'm thrilled to be wearing it.

It looks so good.

Now, is it me, or did the Met Gala

just happen a few months ago?

It's not you.

Okay. Traditionally,

the Met Gala is held on the first Monday of May,

which of course, this is,

but last year's gala was postponed due to COVID 19,

and the Costume Institute's exhibition,

exploring the history of American fashion,

was broken up into two parts.

The first part opened in September,

following last year's gala,

and the second part will open just five days from now.

So exciting.

So, safe to say we're back on track.

We're right back on track.


My voice is not on track, by the way.

But joining us tonight for our co-hosting duties,

is actor, producer and author, La La Anthony.

Hey, La La.

Hey, Vanessa.

Hey, Hamish.

So I have to admit, I'm a little jealous

you two get to spend the evening together,

while I'm up here all by myself.

I would be, too.

No, I'm just kidding.

You look so incredible, by the way.

Thank you so much.

LaQuan Smith really delivered for me tonight.

So Hamish, what do you think?

Well, I think he's giving you total new age Gibson girl.

It's fabulous.

You've certainly got the silhouette.

Oh, thank you so much. It's wonderful.

Nothing like that Vogue seal of approval.


Now, I love tonight's theme so much,

but for everyone who doesn't know,

what exactly does gilded glamor, white tie mean, Hamish?

Well, white tie is similar to black tie,

but it's more formal, of course.

Traditionally that means, black suits with tails for men.

Think of me from the chin down, or Fred Astaire, perhaps,

with floor length dresses and gloves for women.

And gilded, in this instance,

refers to the gilded age of New York city.

That time between 1870 and 1890, when changes in culture,

manufacturing and technology

were transforming the city at a fantastic pace.

[Vanessa] It's so magical.

So we should expect to see

a lot of corsets and bustles, right?

Because I do love a good bustle.

So do I, believe me. [Vanessa laughing]

And I've worn several in my time.

If we're lucky, we might even get to see

some genuine gilded age garments brought out of storage,

for tonight's red carpet.

I hope curator Andrew Bolton isn't noticing.

But exactly how contemporary designers

will choose to interpret those references,

is really anyone's guess.

And that's what makes tonight so fun,

and what makes fashion, particularly American fashion,

so interesting and worthy of celebration.

Yeah, and that is exactly what we are here to do tonight.

Celebrate American fashion.

Absolutely, and this year's Met Gala

is co-chaired by Blake Lively,

Ryan Reynolds, Lin-Manuel Miranda

and Regina King, with honorary co-chairs Tom Ford,

Anna Wintour, and Instagram's Adam Mosseri.

We've also got the biggest stars in film,

television, sports, politics, music,

social media, and of course, fashion,

joining us on tonight's red carpet.

So stay here for first looks and exclusive interviews

all evening long.

Also, make sure to join the conversation on social media,

by using the hashtag Met Gala.

Tweet us your questions and comments,

and we'll feature our favorites right here on the show.

And we're gonna also be conducting viewer polls

throughout the evening.

So be sure to follow

Vogue Magazine on Twitter to participate.

Now, kicking off tonight's red carpet,

we have honorary Met Gala co-chair,

and the woman who makes all of this possible,

Anna Wintour.

I'm glad I got the Tiara memo. [hosts laughing]

First off, what are you most

looking forward to this evening?

Well I'm really looking forward to, obviously,

seeing what everybody's wearing, but most importantly,

I'm looking forward to everybody seeing

Andrew's extraordinary exhibition

that we opened this morning at the press conference,

with the first lady in place.

And it's just so wonderful to see

months and months of Andrew's amazing hard work

come to life.

And I think it's really one of

the most exquisite exhibitions

that he has worked on over the years.


Can you tell us what your wearing?

Yes, I'm wearing an American Tiara and a Chanel dress.



[Anna] Thank you. Absolutely stunning.

[Anna] Thank you so much,

well, you look incredible both of you.

[Anna] Thank you so much. Have fun tonight.

Thank you, you too. Thank you, you too.

See you in there.

All right, so I am here with the cast and musicians

from the Elvis movie that everyone is so excited about.

You both look amazing and wonderful.

Thank you.

Tell me what gilded glamor means to you.

Honestly, it can mean 7,000 things, right?

Yeah it can. But gilded,

I think of studded, obviously.

So Prada really hooked us up with that.

Yeah. Absolutely.

So tell us a little bit about this Elvis movie.

What can we expect?

I wanna know all the tea.

Tell me what's going on.

There's definitely gonna be a lot of glamor,

a lot of soul, a lot of expression and evidence.

[La La] Yes. Yes.

I am so excited.

So tell me, how do you prepare for something like this?

You have to be- you have to surrender.

You have to surrender to the story.

[La La] You definitely do.

Surrender to the intention and the purpose,

because it's bigger than you.

Yes, absolutely.

We have Priscilla Presley here we have- hey guys.

How's everything, hello, hi, welcome.

[Baz] Priscilla Presley. Hi, it's such an honor

to meet you, how are you doing?

I'm doing great. We were talking

about the movie and how incredible it is.

What can you tell us about it?

Everyone is just so excited. Olivia DeJonge,

is young Priscilla. Hi, introduce yourself,

everyone chip in. Hello, hi.

We're taking over now, this is fun.

My name's Olivia, I'm playing.

Hi, Olivia, Or I played Priscilla.

So iconic, so amazing. Thank you.

So tell us, how do you prepare for such an iconic role?

A lot of reading,

a lot of reading and a lot of listening and yeah,

a lot of that.

Absolutely, and Priscilla,

how do you feel about everything?

I feel great.

I love a movie, I think that the young generation

is going to be able to see and know what Elvis is all about.

Learn a bit more about him.

And I think it's a movie for everyone.

Even the people who have heard stories

about Elvis before, they're going to learn something.

Well, we are definitely super excited about it.

Tell us in your words, what can we expect?

We are so hyped for this movie.

You know, well, I just finished- I literally

finished it yesterday.

I was going to an event before this,

and I looked at the end credits and went, it is done.

And I'm surrounded here by a portion of the cast,

but, and also, those that have lived the life

and those that have toiled so passionately and deeply

to just tell, not just the life,

but I think about America in the '50s

and the '60s and the '70s.

And there's no- there's no better person, I think,

to explore that, than the life of, well,

someone who was very close to this person here.

And this gentleman here, his best friend.

[Jerry] Hi. Yes, hi, how are you?

Welcome, everybody is so gorgeous looking and on theme,

we are so excited for this movie.

We're very excited and Priscilla and I

got to see the film together.

I worked with Elvis, and we kind of grew up at Gray Sloan


we're blown away.

I mean, it's history, it's the real story.

And Baz, and the cast.

In Baz Luhrmann, way.

Yes, Baz Luhrmann way, we are-

[Baz] And Austin Butler.

Hey Austin, I was looking for you.

How are you, how's everything.

So excited to see you here.

This is just such an iconic movie and role.

Just tell us how you poured your heart and soul into this.

I mean

the thing is, and I've said this- I've said this

to Priscilla and Jerry here,

making them proud was really

at the core of it all for me.

Making all the people who loved Elvis so much,

proud and do him justice.

And, so, I just set out to find his humanity

[La La] as much as I could and- I love that.

And bring that out

with as much life as I could, you know?

[La La] Well, we are super excited about it.

Thank you all, can't wait for the movie.

Everyone looks great. Playing B.B King.

Yeah, oh, hi, how are you?

Come on up. And you know Alton

is playing Little Richard. Come on, yes, of course.

I love Alton, hey, how are you?

[Kelvin] I'm good. Welcome.

You look amazing. Thank you so much.

Yes, so, what can we expect from you in the film?

Well, I get to play the legendary B.B. King,

and then. That is amazing.

It's such a beautiful thing

to be able to tap in with this guy

and show the brotherhood between Elvis and B.B. so you know.

It's the rhythm and blues, baby.

Rhythm and blues, baby.

We are so excited about it.

[Jerry] There'd be no rock and roll without blues.

Casey, who's behind you, Casey on board.

Yes, we talked, come on. Casey has a song.

Yes tell us about your song. And and output,

it's in the movie.

It is, it's. And no one knows.

It's one of the most iconic songs of all time.

It will stand the test of time.

I can't help falling in love with you.

It's a song that I deeply cherish.

It'll never get old.

And it was such an honor to do a rendition of my own

for the movie.

Well, again, we are so excited.

I thank you all so much for coming to say hi,

enjoy the night.

Everyone looks amazing and wonderful,

and everybody check out Elvis.

It's coming soon, and I'm sure

we're all gonna be blown away.

We got Joseph Altuzarra down there

with Vanessa and Hamish, what's going on.

Hi, we're reeling from that Elvis tableau,

that was quite something. [hosts laughing]

Lovely to see you Joseph.

[Joseph] So nice to see you both.

Well, thank you.

And I- we're both bedazzled a bit.

I know we're. You got to.

Although I think you might- you might win.

So, you of course went to the first iteration

of the American Fashion Anthology.

Tell me what your takeaways were from that.

I think what was so interesting about the first one

was really that it talked about

the sort of broad strokes and the philosophy

of what American fashion really is about.

And you know, there are so many things that it stands for.

Comfort, ease, you know,

there's so many sort of facets of American fashion,

and what I'm really excited to see tonight

is really the historical context behind all of it.

Well, I, you're gonna be blown away. [laughs]

I'm very excited.

Would you say that's your- the thing

you're looking forward to most about tonight?

I think so.

I mean, tonight is always such a fun celebration

of fashion and getting dressed,

and I think that I'm come- I'm- you know,

I was very lucky to dress a few women tonight

who I'm very excited for you guys to see.

[Vanessa] Well, we're very excited to see.

I cannot wait, very excited.

Yeah, well we cannot wait, so good to see you.

Thank you, so nice to see you guys.

Have so much fun. Thank you.

Thank you. Lovely to see you.

See you in there.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

Which of those fascinating fascinators

was your favorite?

Head to Vogue Magazine on Twitter to cash your vote now

and we'll reveal the results later in the show.

[classical music]

All right, I'm here with Riverdale star, Camilla Mendes,

and Alex from Ami.

You guys are here, representing gilded glamor all the way.

How are we feeling tonight?

I'm feeling like I'm arriving at my debutant

into New York society.

[La La] You look incredible. Thank you.

You look gorgeous and gorgeous.

How was it coming up those steps?

It was actually, I don't know. I- this is my second Met.

Okay. And I feel like

the first one, I was definitely way more nervous,

and this year feels a little bit more at ease.

And how are you feeling, Alex?

It's my first one. Your first one?

So I feel like very intimidating.

But then I'm very like, I'm very well surrounded,

I have the best partner. Yeah.

In town tonight, and I feel we are in a date.

Like it's like. Yeah, we're on

a little date tonight. On a little date.

My fashion husband. Yeah, I love that.

I love that.

Well, you both look beautiful.

What do you have coming up?

Well, I'm currently shooting

the sixth season of Riverdale.

Amazing. And then

I will be producing my first project

in June. That's exciting.

For Amazon, called Música. All right.

Which I'm really excited about.

Well, thank you guys so much.

Have the best night tonight. Thank you very much.

You look stunning.

Thank you so much. And thank you

for stopping by, absolutely.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

I am trying to not be a fan girl right now,

because I'm standing with Anderson .Paak

who is such a talent

and you look absolutely phenomenal.

Talk to me about this look.

Thank you, love, it's Gucci from head to toe.

Yes, it is. It's very,

it's giving very east London, actually,

and I feel great.

I used to shop at Burlington Coat Factory,

I don't know if you've heard of that,

but now I'm Gucci from head to toe

and this is great to be here.

It's amazing, it's so iconic.

I have been dying to get out,

to see you and Bruno Mars perform together.

How has that been for you?

It's the greatest show.

You gotta come.

Residency, at my age, it's unheard of.

Yeah. I thought I'd be

at least, you know, 50, 60.

Bruno, he's an old guy, so I understand.

Me, this is what dreams are made of.

I love it.

It's so iconic.

Well, you genuinely do it all.

What are you looking forward to most about tonight?

Well hopefully there's food here, [Hamish laughing]

[Vanessa] and yeah, just mingling. Yeah.

Just try to live in the moment.

I don't know if I'll ever look as good again.

So you know, it's gonna be a good time.

I have a feeling you definitely will.

We'll see, thank you.

We'll see you in there, thank you so much.

Yes, yes, thank you guys.

Thank you. Take care.

Lovely to see you.

Fabulous jacket.

[classical music]

So I'm here with one of my favorite actors on the planet,

and one of my favorite pe- I tell you that all the time.

Thank you so much. People on the planet,

Ashton Sanders is here.

So let's talk. Yeah, let's talk.

Who are you wearing, 'cause your outfit is perfection.

Thank you so much.

So I am wearing, La La, Casablanca

with custom fangs.

Yes, that looks so good.

We have the custom contacts,

we have the custom boots, and yeah, man,

we're wearing Casablanca.

And you're such a fashion person.

Like you've walked runways before, you really embody it.

So how do you prepare for something

like gilded glamor, tonight?

Yeah, well I actually only had a week to.

Pull it together? Pull this together.

So yeah, man, I think this is my interpretation of that.

Recently I've been on a blade tip, a vampire tip.

I like it. So I wanted to embrace that,

with the eyes, with the fangs.

Yes. And of course,

staying true to the good glamor aesthetic.

You know what I'm saying?

Well, you look amazing.

Thank you so much. And I know

you're filming Wu-Tang.

So, everybody, be sure to tune into that.

Yo, also, look out for the Whitney Houston biopic

coming out too, I'm playing Bobby Brown.

You are. I am.

Okay, that's amazing. Yeah, thank you so much.

Well, thank you so much.

Thank you, yes. You know how much

I love you, have a great time,

and I will see you soon.

All right, Vanessa and Hamish,

who do you guys have down there?

We are here with Daisy, looking spectacular.

It's absolutely stunning, talk to us about this look.

Yes, so this is Oscar de la Renta, and yeah,

I just feel like a disco ball from the '70s, so.

[Hamish] Wait, it's disco ball gives me

a little bit of Daisy Buchanan, a bit of Great Gatsby.

Yes, yes that's kind of what we were going for,

so, thank you. Gilded age.

It's so beautiful.

What inspired you about this theme?

I feel like you definitely hit the nail on the head with it.

So was that something that you thought out beforehand,

or it just worked out that way?

It just kind of worked out that way, and like,

you know, I wanted to kind of have some fun with it

and I feel like it's quite easy to move

and it's not too scary to go up those stairs in, so.

I was playing it safe but having fun too, so yeah.

Yes, well it's great not to have to deal with a train.

Exactly. Yeah, I'm a mess over here,

I'm getting stuck on everything. [Daisy laughing]

What are you most looking forward to about tonight?

I think the people watching.

It's like, I think, the Olympics

of people watching, this, I think, so.

Yeah, I'm just so excited to sort of like.

It's such a dream to be invited and to come

and you know, it's definitely a bucket list thing

that I've had on it, for a long time, so.

Just really, the people watching, and yeah, just.

That's amazing, we should have gotten you some binoculars.

It would've been appropriate

and you could do really good people watching.

Maybe opera glasses.

Yeah, that's what I need,

maybe they'll come in the goodie bags.

Amazing, well, thank you so much.

Have the most incredible time.

Thank you.


[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

We are here with Riz Ahmed.

You look so amazing I- just super classic, pulled together.

What inspired you tonight and what are you wearing?

Well, I guess this is an homage

to the immigrant workers who kept the gilded age golden.

You know.

This is- we've got some kind of work wear over here,

done in silk by 4S designs.

Got my uncle vest on.

[Vanessa] Love.

And you know, little homage to some street wear

with the shoe lace, and this over here,

this is a Cartier piece that's actually

very much inspired by India,

and some of the jewelry that comes

from Hyderabad in South India.

It actually kind of reminds me

of some of the jewelry my mum has.

So yeah, just trying to elevate and celebrate

those working class immigrants.

I love that.

It's so amazing.

And your short was nominated for an Oscar

and it was so incredible.

Talk to me about what that meant for you

to receive that honor.

Yeah, we won the Oscar, which was fantastic.

Yes, I'm so sorry.

No, no, don't say sorry.

It was so beautiful and I loved it.

I can hardly believe it myself.

No, it was- it meant a lot.

It meant the world to us.

And particularly when you make something so personal

for people to connect with it in that way,

it really meant the world.

And you know, it had a tough message at it's heart,

but I think what's really interesting is

to see that people are ready for that,

they want to have those conversations.

They don't want to kind of shut their eyes

to what's going on in the world right now.

And if you can present that,

then you know there's an audience for it.

Yeah, it's so amazing.

Well, congratulations, have the best time ever.

And La La, you have Amy Schumer over there,

what's going on?

Yes, I absolutely do have

one of my favorite people. Oh, we're on.

In the entire planet, Amy Schumer's in the building.

What's going on?

Nothing, just at the Met ball, not a big deal.

And this is our friend Xiye Bastilla, Bastida, sorry.

Hi, I'm Xiye Bastida.

So. She's a climate activist

and I'm just in the climate.

I love everything about you.

I love you so much.

Gilded glamor, tell me what that means to you.

A vibrator. What do you think, what does it mean to you?

[laughs] You know what I mean.

I mean, what I mean, you know what I'm gonna say?

It's ridiculous.

You look amazing. I know.

I wanna hear the inspiration behind.

The jewelry, okay. This look.

[Woman] No, no, she have our jewelry.

Oh yeah, this is. So we're sharing jewelry.

Yes. This is Otomi,

which is indigenous community in Mexico.

Amy's wearing an ankle bracelet.

Did you get it? And I'm wearing

the necklace, it's a ceremonial piece, it's Jade.

Okay. And yeah, we're here.

I'm a climate justice activist and I'm here

because I think that climate justice

should be present in every space.

We don't see enough of that

and we are in a planetary crisis, so.

That is amazing,

thank you so much. And I support that,

and I'm also here for the drinks.

And tell me, each year, when you attend the Met,

your style evolves, you do something different.

How do you keep coming with the heat, every single year?

It's true, everybody's always at home, just,

what is Amy gonna wear this year?

You know, it's- they're on the edge of their seats

and when Gabriela Hearst says she's going to dress you,

you put your Spanx on, right over your C-section scar,

and you get on that carpet, am I right?

You are right. Am I right?

Right, you are right.

And I love you so much.

I love you, you're gorgeous. And I will see you inside,

and have the best time. Okay, I'll see you inside.

Bye, see you later, thank you so much.

Never a dull moment with that one, right there.

Love Amy Schumer so much.

[classical music]

All right, so joining me now,

I've got one of tonight's co-chairs with me.

Blake lively, welcome.

You look incredible as always. Thank you very much.

So do you, look at you, my goodness.

Thank you so much.

So I saw like a color change, a dress change.

Explain to me what we just witnessed

on the carpet right now.

I patinaed, I arrived copper, and then,

like New York City classic architecture,

I patinaed.

This is- this dress is an homage to New York city.

[La La] It's gorgeous. And so many

of the classic iconic buildings.

The- this is detailing from the empire state building,

some of the draping from the statue of Liberty.


The- this is the constellations from Grand Central Station

painted there, and then my crown is,

has seven spikes because the statue of Liberty,

she has seven spikes representing the seven seas

and the seven continents, which represents inclusivity,

welcomeness, and freedom, so I thought that was sweet.

And then she has 25 windows, so I was like,

Lorraine, can you put 25 stones.

Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine.

She's like, who's gonna be counting the stones.

I was like, me, I'm a Virgo. [La La laughing]

Please lose my number.

But she actually made this out of copper

and patinaed it and I mean, spectacular.

Oh my God, we love Lorraine Schwartz.

Now Blake, you've been to the Met Gala six times.

And this is Versace, did I say it was Versace?

No you didn't, but we knew.

I didn't, this is Versace. We knew, Versace.

It's beautiful, so you've been six times.

Tell me what is the process like

when you first receive the dress code?

Like what goes on in your mind?

Well, this year was especially nerve wracking

because being one of the hosts, you know,

you feel like you really need to bring your A game.

And you know, when I work with Versace,

all the designers I work with, but Versace especially,

every time they bring in their A game, and I'm like,

how can you guys get any better?

Any better, right. This is a problem,

you've been too good every time.

Right, right, right. So, so yeah, so, you know,

always trying to honor the theme,

but I thought a neat perspective on the theme

would actually be looking at the city that I love so much,

and the architecture rather than just the fashion.

Amazing, you did an amazing job.

Thank you so much. So thank you.

Have a great, great night. Thank you, thank you.

See you inside, have fun,

you look absolutely stunning. Thank you so much,

thank you. Absolutely.

All right. Have a good night.

So Blake recently sat down with Vogue

to share some stories behind of her- some of

her most memorable fashion moments.

This is Blake Lively's Life in Looks.

See you.

I was looking at, it's the gilded age,

but rather than looking at fashion from that,

the gilded age, I wanted to look at architecture.

New York has been such a critical part of who I am.

It's the place I choose to live.

It's the love of my life, other than my family.

So I really wanted to celebrate the city

that's given me so much.

So I thought, well, I would love to arrive in a copper dress

and have that dress patina as I ascend the carpet

and turns verdigris, which is oxidized copper.

So like, the statue of Liberty is truly copper,

and now it's the green that we have.

And there's so many buildings in New York which have that.

Yeah, I wanna ascend the carpet and have the outfit change

because like I said, I am quite shy,

but I like my fashion to be bold,

to sort of counteract that.

So instead of me performing,

I wanted sort of the dress to perform.

I think Versace thought I was crazy

when I called them and pitched this.

To watch the full video visit

or the Vogue YouTube channel.

[crowd cheering]

[classical music]

Another one of my faves has come through to say, hi.

Venus Williams is here. Hey.

V, stunning from head to toe.

Thank you, thank you.

Tell me about this entire look.

Well, Nikki Nelms did my hair, as we talked about.

Of corse she did. And Law styled me,

and, Law Roach, and I'm wearing Chloe today.

So, Gabriella really hooked it up.

Me, A- I don't know if you saw Amy,

we're all, and Amy put us in the glasses so it's like.

Yeah, I saw Amy, no I saw Amy.

She had me cracking up. Yeah we're.

We're ready for whatever.

Yes, you look so, so amazing.

So V, you're coming off, just, the King Richard movie,

just was so spectacular and amazing.

Thank you. And I still get chills

talking about it.

What did that whole thing just feel like?

Watching a movie about your life,

that has to be just incredible.

Yeah, you know, it's about.

It's a family film, and it's about family

with a little tennis, you know?

So it's like, you expect tennis,

but it's not really about that.

And I think it's a part of my life that is so cool to share

'cause it's from 10 to 14,

and I think it's inspirational for all families

to like stick together and do your thing together.

A family that I love so, so very much.

Thank you, I know, I miss Serena, she's not here.

I know, I was like, where is 'Rena at?

I know. But we,

we gonna hold it down for her for sure.

We will. Well, thank you so much.

I hope you have the best time. Thank you,

have yourself a good time. You look amazing.

I will see you inside.

You look amazing.

Thank you so much, see you inside, all right.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

[Hamish] We're here with rapper Jack.

We're here with rapper Jack Harlo.

Jack, you're looking very sharp.

[Jack] Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I love this color. Thank you.

Tell me about that.

It's dark chocolate, Givenchy.

[hosts laughing]

It looks amazing,

you look fantastic. Thank you.

Now, your new album drops May 6th.

Yeah. What is different

about creating this album compared to your first?

I think I just put a lot more

care and effort into this album.

I think people will

be able to feel my dedication.

Yeah. You know,

I've been in the public eye for a little bit now

and I just want people to know

how much I really care about music.

I feel like everyone who knows you, knows that as a fact.

Maybe so, maybe I'm just in my own head, who knows.

And you're also set to star in White Men Can't Jump,

the remake, which is so iconic.

Were you familiar with the original movie,

or what did you- did you watch it before you signed on?

Can I be honest?


I was obviously familiar with,

it's a iconic title, I'd seen the movie poster,

but I didn't watch it until I got offered the role.

And it's- I see why it's classic.

That's so amazing.

Well, good luck.

Thank you. Congratulations.

Have the best time today.

Thank you. And we'll see you in there.

[Jack] You know it. La La.

[Jack] Thank you so much. Of course, thank you.

Thank you to you. La La, talk to us.

You got Janelle Monáe, my girl.

[inaudible chattering]

[Jack] Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you so much.

I love it, you you be looking good, girl.

Oh my gosh, I'm here, just having a little girl talk

with another one of my favorites, Janelle Monáe is here.

Hi, my love. Stunning.

Thank you. Okay, please,

I wanna hear all about this right here.

So, this is a collaboration with Ralph Lauren.

So amazing. I love them

and such a special team and family.

And you know, gilded glamor was the theme,

and we did gilded glamor from the future.

You look stunning, amazing, every piece of it.

Thank you. So how do you prepare

for a night like tonight?

Man, this is so fun.

Like as an artist, I love the creative process.

So I love being able to work with my team

and you know, the little details like,

ooh, but what if we did this, this, this.

I'm like still an art

[La La] school kid, student. Right.

So this is always great, to go through the experience.

I listen to a lot of movie themes.

I'm listening to Henry Mancini,

I'm listening to.

[La La] I love that. To Les Baxter,

I feel like I'm in a movie right now.

That's what I'm on. That's the trip that I'm on.

And you looking like the movie star that you are.

So tell me. Thank you.

Between music and acting

and all the incredible things that you're doing,

what can we expect next?

Well, I just released my first book.

It's a book of sci-fi.

Okay. Short story collections,

and it actually just made

the New York Times bestseller list.

Just that little list. So, you know it, please.

We're the only black and brown writers.

[La La] I love that.

I worked with five other writers on each short story

and we're the only brown and black ones on there,

and it's supporting the LGBTQI+ communities,

and communities that I love, through Afrofuturism.

Absolutely, and you know how much I love you.

You look. I freaking adore you.

I love you. I'm so proud of you.

I hope you have a wonderful night-

Thank you, you too. And you get time to like,

hang out. Yes, we're gonna hang.

We're gonna have fun. We gotta dance, right.

Yeah, we're gonna dance tonight, for sure.

I will see you inside. All right, beautiful.

We're gonna have a great time.

You look great. Love you, love you,

love you.


[classical music]

Hi, we're here with Emma Corrin,

giving me a little bit of the Artful Dodger.

It's fabulous.

Thank you.

Tell me about, tell me about it all.

So this was sort of a collaboration

between Harry Lambert, myself and Miu Miu, and Cartier.

And Harry found a record of this guy,

called Evard Berry Wall, from the 19th century.

[Hamish] Right. Who was known as

The King of Dudes.

[Vanessa] Oh wow. Yeah.

And he was a sort of fashion leader of that time.

And he was known to change 40 times

between breakfast and dinner.

[Hamish] 40 t- four-zero. 40 times,

[Vanessa] four-zero times. Icon.

[Hamish] Okay. Icon.

And yeah, he had like,

if you Google him there's an iconic picture of him

in this massive coat and that's what we went for.


Fantastic. King of dudes.

I love it.

That's so iconic. But like, that needs to be the thing.

You are the new King of Dudes.

[Emma] And they have it inscribed on the inside.

Oh, The King of Dudes inside, I love it.

[Vanessa] Yeah, little secret. That's so amazing.

Have you been having fun working with Harry?

He's put together- So much fun.

Some amazing looks.

He's like, unstoppably creative, which is amazing.


And yeah, it's really fun, basically, yeah.

So iconic.

Was the theme kind of like, just sent you over the edge.

Were you like really excited for it, were you?

I think it was kind of like,

we sort of went really head first into the research.

Harry's googling like gilded age and like,

fashion leaders of the gilded age, and who wore,

like, what was this, so yeah.

Well, it's so nice to see that you have

a whole story behind it.

I love the amount of thought

that goes into it. A character.

Yes. The research is wonderful.

Yeah, that's fantastic.

Well, have an incredible time.

Thank you so much for speaking to us.

Thank you so much.

We'll see you in there. Lovely to see you

Thank you.

Thank you.

[classical music]

I'm here with the legendary, the iconic, Jon Batiste.

Who said he wanted to sing to me?

John, let me hear a little, the little- you was just

mumbling some stuff under there.

[Jon vocalizing]

Love it.

Love it, you are coming off such an amazing year.

Just tell me how you're feeling tonight.

I feel blessed.

I feel like anything is possible.

I feel like we have so much,

just being born into a royal inheritance.

Our people sacrificed so much

so that we can shine right now.

And we are shining for sure. We shining, you looking

like yes.

Thank you so much. Let's go.

So tell me, what are you most excited about tonight?

I'm excited about the comradery,

everybody coming together,

being in these public settings again,

after the last couple years. Right.

It's exciting to see friends and to meet new friends.

So, really it's just the comradery.

And I know our industry has all kinds of ups and downs,

but it's really just a bunch of people

who really want to share their love for creativity.

And I'm excited to come together with everybody.

Same, and thank you so much for coming to say hi.

Yeah. I wish you

nothing but the best, I can't wait to see you inside

for a little party party. [Jon vocalizing]

We gonna be in there. [La La vocalizing]

See you inside, all right, see you later.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

So here we are with Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee.

Wonderful to see you.

Great to see you too.

The music man himself.

Yes, on my night off.

And here you are, what a pleasure is to have you here.

How excited are you for tonight?

You guys look so incredible, what are you wearing?

I want all the deets.

Well. Tom Ford, Tom Ford,

Tom Ford. Tom Ford, Tom Ford,

Tom Ford.

I'm on stage six nights a week, this is my date night.

It's a pretty awesome date night, [Hamish laughing]

I have to say, and look at my beautiful date.

[Hamish] It's so good

to see you. We get to dress up like this

every Monday night.

Are you having fun on stage?

I'm having the time of my life.

Yeah. It is so much fun.

And the cast is amazing.

We just haven't.

We just- it's such a joyous show,

the audience seem to really sort of love that.

So it's really lovely.

Yeah, it's such a feel good thing,

I came out so euphoric after that show.

And Broadway's back in New York.

Broadway is back. It completely is.

It really is, and you are absolutely magical

in that show. Thank you.

For everyone who hasn't seen it, you gotta check it out

'cause it's fantastic. Thank you.

Vanessa, I have to say, we did know you were in

because there's a lot of kids,

we have 21 Broadway debuts in our show.

There's 49 people backstage, all like,

oh my God, Vanessa's in.

I'm like, oh Vanessa, some are like, you know her?

I said, yeah, I know her.

We did some stuff together. [Hugh gasping]

So anyway. That's the sweetest.

You created a lot of excitement.

Well, it's so exciting to have you here tonight.

It's so nice to see you. You too.

You guys have such a fantastic time.

Yeah, we will. Thank you,

it's gonna be a blast.

Yes it is, La La, who do you have up there?

[Woman] And this looks- are you happy with it?

[Deborra-Lee] Thank you.

[Hugh] Thanks guys. Thank you so much.

[Deborra-Lee] Thank you.

Okay, another one of my faves,

my friends, Normani is here, looking abs- first of all,

you have the best body in the game.

Everyone knows that.

Thank- it's that Pilates.

Shout out to McKenna.

I love you girl. I mean, you look so good.

So tell me about this look from head to tail.

Well, I'm so honored to have come

with Christian Siriano, you know,

an artist and designer

that I really, really look up to so much

and I just love this look.

He was very patient with me.

I know sometimes I could be a little bit of a challenge,

but we really collaborated on this look

and I just feel so beautiful.

And I love the fact that he was willing to go

and break the rules.

I have my stomach out.

[La La] You looking so good. Thank you, yes.

[La La] But you definitely brought all the gilded glamor

to the carpet tonight.

So on a night like tonight,

what is something that you are most looking forward to

or someone you're looking most- you're looking forward

to seeing the most?

I wanna see Cardi.

I'm Cardi, Cardi, Cardi.

I wanna see my sister, Megan.

I love them both. They say

she hasn't come yet, so.

She's not here yet, she hasn't come yet.


We got some great surprises still to come,

but thank you so much.

And wait, on the music front,

I mean always crushing it, always killing it.

Tell us what else we can expect.

You can expect that up tempo that you all are waiting for.

With a lot of dance?

You already know.

I know what the people want.

The last record, that was for me, I know.

No, I love that record.

It was so vulnerable and so passionate.

I love that record.

We love to see you dance,

but we love to see you vulnerable, as well.

Thank you. And I'm so excited for you.

Thank you. I'll see you inside.

You look beautiful too.

Always killing it. Thank you.

Thank you, I'll see you inside,

we're gonna have a great time.

Love you.

[La La] All right, love you too. [classical music]

So we are here with Max and Nina Hollein.

So we've met Anna Wintour,

the woman who makes this night tick.

This is the man who makes it all tick.

The director of the Met.

Tell us why this evening is so, so special

for the museum and for you.

Well, first of all, it's a special location, The Met.

I think we have to be proud of that,

but it's a fantastic gathering.

It's a fantastic gathering of all people from culture,

celebrating New York, celebrating The Met,

celebrating fashion.

And that's, I think, something really what we need,

what we want to have right now.

And what gets- makes this a really special moment.

[Vanessa] Yeah. It really is truly

such an incredible experience,

being inside and having dinner

and rubbing shoulders with all these beautifully dressed

and wonderful people.

Talk to me about your guys' looks tonight.

About- We look, yeah.

This dress, I designed it myself.

[Hamish] Oh, did you actually, great.

That's great. And yeah,

I also made it myself.

[Vanessa] Wow. Yeah.

[Vanessa] You're very impressive.

[Hamish] Very sustainable- Thank you so much.

[Hamish] And very impressive.

It is sustainable.

[Hamish] Have you seen the exhibition already?

[Nina] I just heard about fragments of it.

[Hamish] Okay. I haven't seen it,

but Max has.

[Hamish] Tell us a little bit about

how the exhibitions impacted you.

I think the show is fantastic.

It's a real stunner.

Obviously The Met period rooms in the American wing

by itself, are already so charged.

But what has transformed them

where we lead the work with our,

with the film directors,

and Andrew Bolton's vision about how to bring

American fashion in that context,

it's a really stunning exhibition that will be exciting

for the next couple of months.

[Hamish] Yes. It's a major,

major achievement.

Wonderful, well, congratulations.

Thank you. Yeah.

It's gonna be a block buster.

And it's so exciting.

We're very happy with that. And it's so exciting

seeing those rooms come to life like that,

it's just a magical thing. Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you, so lovely to see you.

Good to see you, thank you.

Thank you. So nice to meet you guys

Take care, have so much fun. Thank you.

[Max] Thank you.

[classical music]

We are here with Kodi Smit-McPhee,

a dear friend, we go back so many years.

We do. But this is actually

your very first Met.

How are you feeling?

It is, this is my initiation.

I mean, ultimately, I'm feeling cold.

Let's just say that at first,

but I'm feeling so excited.

And I always say this, I mean, you feel nervous,

but I do my best to kind of transmute that

into excitement and joy and all that good stuff, so, yeah.

Totally, and your fit is incredible.

Thank you. I feel like

you really took in the theme

and interpreted it as your own, talk to me about your look.


This is Bottega and Cartier coming together

to celebrate casual Fridays, I guess we call it, in America,

and ultimately the diversity of cultures

and people that contribute to make America.

And then kind of tying it in with the gilded,

more sophisticated, extravagant look.

And I have some vintage Cartier dating back to like 1905.

[Hamish] So. Beautiful.

I'm walking very carefully around with that,

making sure it's always there, but yeah, it's amazing.

[Vanessa] Totally, it's so iconic.

[Hamish] I love that you went with the glove theme.

[Hamish] Absolutely. Has

a special resonance for you, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I got you there, I like that, okay, I see you.


Imma steal that from you now.

[Hamish] Okay, good, I thought it was very intentional.

[Vanessa] It's so amazing.

[Hamish] Yes, yes. Amazing.

[Vanessa] I feel like you've been able to have.

You've had such an incredible year with power of the dog.

Yeah. And now

you're here at your first Met.

Like for you as an actor,

I always love talking to actors about

how fashion really informs their character.

Yeah. What are the first things

that you look for when addressing a new character?

I guess, ultimately, I start with the core,

the subconscious thoughts.

Everything that's not in the script,

I like to fill in those spaces,

but as you get closer and closer through pre-production,

into working with the team,

and then the beautiful things like stepping into the costume

and the makeup, it really solidifies all of those things

that were once within the psyche

and within the unmanifest into the manifest, so, yeah.

I mean, fashion, I guess, and clothing

is a really big part of that.

[Vanessa] It really is Yeah.

Well, you have the most incredible time tonight.

Thank you. I'd say like,

let your hair down, but you know,

it is down. [hosts laughing]

Yeah, it's staying pretty stiff right now, yeah.

It's amazing, so good to see you.

Thank you, so excited to see you guys.

Wonderful to see you.

Thank you. Have a lovely night.

La La, what's going on over there?

So I'm hanging out with Michelle.

Yo, we are here, and this outfit, I mean this necklace,

I'm just mesmerized right now.

Tell me your inspiration for tonight's look.

Well, it's Prabal, he's the one that made this whole look.

I love him, I love him.

I know, they're wonderful aren't they?

He is so iconic and amazing.

How do you feel tonight?

Gilded glamor is the theme,

how do you prepare for a theme like gilded glamor?

Well, when you come with Prabal and Phillip Lim.

Yeah. They just prepare you.

You don't have to do. Hi Phillip. [La La laughing]

How are you? Come on.

Hi, how are you? Phillip's here.

I am so excited to have you guys here.

This is such an amazing night.

Gilded glamor all the way.

Thank you. What do you think about

when you hear the words gilded glamor?

Well, I think I would think of the word quintessence,

the best of, you know, best in quality.

And I think that it's also.

It represented an age where you could try new things and.

[La La] Absolutely. You know,

a very expansive horizon.

Right, and it's so nice to see everyone's take

on the theme.

Well, you both look amazing.

Michelle, this is stunning.

Thank you. Thank you so much

for coming by, have the best night tonight.

[Phillip] Thank you, you look beautiful.

[La La] Thank you, party, and have so much fun.

I'll see you guys later.

[classical music]

We are here with the inevitable, Tom Ford.

Designer, director and chairman of the board

of The Council of Fashion Designers of America.

Tom, welcome.

Thank you.

[Vanessa] Thank you. Thank you, thank you.

As a designer and honorary co-chair

of tonight's event, what's the significance

of the Met Gala for you?

Oh, The Met Gala is so important.

You know, I think people don't realize

how much the museum relies on fundraising

in order to keep the exhibits open.

And I think during COVID, we lost so much money,

so much traffic, so it's an important event.

It's also a fun event.

You can hear all the screaming going on.


You dress multiple people for the Met Gala every year.

What's the process like preparing for that, for this event?

It depends on who it is.

Sometimes it can be a nightmare

because usually people have an idea of what they want

and I make pretty simple, classic, chic evening clothes,

and hopefully things go well when we dress people.

Tonight, I think they did because I dressed my own table.

I love that. So they're all

quite good friends.

Absolutely wonderful. I can't wait to see that.

Now, I'm always so curious,

how important is it for you to stay on theme?

You know, I don't really do themes.

[Vanessa] Oh, no? Although, this is

the gilded age, so I wore proper evening clothes

[Vanessa] for that time period. Yes.

Yes, exactly. But yeah, no,

I prefer quite simple, and chic,

I almost wore a tiara, but you know.

Well, I'm glad I got there first.

Also very importantly,

you designed a room in this year's exhibition.

Celebrating the battle of Versailles.

Could you give us a little background

on the battle of Versailles?

Oh, yes, that was so much fun.

It's in the Vanderlyn room,

which is a room that was painted in 1815, 1816.

So if you stand in the middle,

you feel as though you're in the gardens of Versailles,

and there was an event that happened at Versailles,

in the theater, it was actually a fundraiser

between the Americans and the French,

a fashion show in 1973.

And it was a bit, the battle of French couture

and American ready-to-wear.

And the general consensus after the battle

was that the Americans won.

It was really the first time that I think

America established itself as a fashion force.

And so it was very important.

I've been watching a lot of things like Mulan

and Shang-Chi with my son,

where people are flying around in the air,

and so I thought it's a battle, why not have a real battle?

And so I had mannequins specially made

that look as though they're being kicked, stabbed,

flying around and they all have fencing foils.

That is so incredible.

Well, we have got an exclusive look at Tom's room,

inside the exhibition.

This is Tom Ford's Life in Looks.

[classical music]

The last picture is a shot of me taken by Annie Leibovitz,

just this year, in a room that I was doing for The Met.

The Met had asked film directors to do a room

for the reopening of the American wing.

And I am doing the battle of Versailles.

Which was not really a real battle, it was called that.

It was in 1973 and it actually took place in Versailles.

And it was a battle between the French designers

and the American designers, of that time.

The general consensus is that the American designers won.

At least that's the consensus in America.

The French designers, the French couture, was very stayed,

very classical, and American design, Halston for example,

was minimal, streamlined,

and really ushered in that kind of,

more relaxed, casual American style

and proved to the world that America

had its own sense of style,

and wasn't just copying Europe.

So it was an important moment in fashion.

For more from Tom, and to watch the full video,

visit, and while you're there,

make sure to check out behind the scenes video

with Jack Harlow, Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker,

and Camila Cabello, who is with me right now.

We was just chit chatting.

We're both a little hungry, but we're happy to be here.

And we're having a great time.

Yup, we're ready for a little champagne.

I'm like, ooh, I look cute.

You look fire.

So tell me all about this look,

you gotta show everyone the nails, too.

Where do I, right here.

[La La] So good.

[Camila] Okay, right here.

[La La] Tell me about the look.

He gave me one instruction,

he said, if you show your nails, do this camera

and I missed that.

So I- Prabal Gurung was the designer.

I love him.

Me too, I love that he incorporates his values

and what's important to him,

his social activism, through his work and his fashion.

And I feel like that's something

that really resonates with me.

For this year, it was really important for me

to wear something that was sustainable

and this dress is completely sustainable, upcycled.

I love- when I heard about the theme of the gilded age

and that it represented a time of industrialization

and economic growth and these values of materialism,

I just thought of like how ironic it is.

All of those things have gotten us

to this point where we are now,

where it's the climate crisis

and using that innovation and ingenuity

that was present during that time, to move forward.

And to me fashion is a big part of that, and it can be

[La La] a big part of that. Right.

So I love that this dress represents that.

All sustainable, baby.

I love that the theme was really important to you

and you followed it- Yeah.

And you gave your interpretation of it.

That's so important.

So tell me, who are you excited to see here tonight?

I mean, I don't really know who's coming tonight,

but I know I got some friends here.

I'm also turning to this side,

'cause this is my good side, just so you know.

I'm like, what's happening is

I got some friends. [La La and Camila laughing]

Excited to see your friends.

Anitta's here, Chloe Bailey's here,

we were like on a little group chat.

I love.

I love them both. Prabal's my new BFF.

We're getting married today.

I love him, I love him.

Yeah, we're getting married today as long-

Along with the rest of our table, we have such a great.

Hello, hello. You know how much I love it.

Hello, hello. Look how-

look how stunning you look.

Thank you very much. Now I heard all about this.

My husband. We're getting married.

Yes, I heard all about the inspiration.

Getting married. This is our wedding,

everyone. It's your wedding.

Behind this amazing dress. This is our wedding.

Now, just tell me what gilded glamor means to you.

To me, gilded glamor is this era where

innovation, new ideas were there,

somehow defiant, age of innocence,

but also showing up in the, much I would say.

The world that was curated by the old Gods,

showing up as yourself, unapologetically,

and trying to shift the way people think and look at people.

Well, you both look amazing and

I love your interpretation- Thank you.

Thank you. Of the theme.

And you looking incredible.

Thank you both so much. You look amazing.

I'll see you inside. Thank you.

See you inside. All right,

we got somebody very exciting in fashion

down there with Vanessa and Hamish, what's going on guys?


Well, very excitingly, we have secretary Clinton here.

It's so wonderful to see you.

It's it's been a while since you've been at a Met Gala.

Oh yeah, it's been 20 years.

Yes. I told Anna that

[Hamish] I would come every 20 years. Okay.

And I'm thrilled to be here this year.

So tell me what- why this evening

is so significant for you.

Well, I think we're all happy to be back together,

supporting the museum and the Costume Institute,

and also celebrating America.

Not just fashion of America,

but really the spirit of America.

And so when I was thinking about my dress,

I talked with Joseph Altuzarra,

who is a wonderful young designer, as you know,

and he suggested some embroidery of meaningful words.

And I said, well, what about American women in the past

who have inspired me.

So I would've filled the entire dress. [hosts laugh]

We decided to stick with women who are no longer with us,

because that would've really

made it impossible to have even one dress

if I had everyone on it that I admire.

So this, you know,

we have everyone from Abigail Adams and Sacagawea,

to Harriet Tubman, to Eleanor Roosevelt,

to Shirley Chisholm, to Madeleine Albright,

who we just lost,

and I thought it would be historic

to wear a dress like that

and really in keeping with the evening.

It's so beautiful.

And they're embroidered around your fichu

and around the hem, I see.

Yes, they are, I know. Fabulous.

And it also reflected Joseph's interest in

what were called friendship quilts

that women used to embroider sayings or phrases

or their names of family and friends, so.

[Hamish] There's a beautiful one

in the exhibition, in fact. I can't wait to see it.

[Hamish] Yeah, it's fantastic.

And your crown is amazing.

[Hamish] Thank you.

It's stupendous, really.

And you too, I just am happy to be here, thank you.

Thank you so much. Well, it's- we are very,

very happy to have you here.

Yeah, Hillary also gave Vogue

a very special behind the scenes look

at the making of her Met Gala dress.

Let's have a peek.

[slow music]

[Hillary] Oh my gosh, wow.

This is so fabulous.

Look at it.

So this is my handwriting,

which they then transferred onto the fabric

and hand embroidered.

[Hillary] You have beautiful handwriting, I must say.

Thank you, and then it's all along the bottom, as well.

Look at that.

Oh wow.

[Joseph] It really tells the story of All-American women.

And it also pays homage to homemakers

and quilters and seamstresses,

which I think is very much part of American fashion.

I, with my daughter, had written the book of Gutsy Women.

Women, primarily from American history,

who had inspired both of us.

Sojourner Truth, and Sacagawea, and Harriet Tubman,

and Eleanor Roosevelt and Margaret Chase Smith,

I mean, women that really an impression.

You immediately got that,

and connected it to these friendship quilts.

And you just transformed this dress

into this like historic living thing.

All right, to watch the full video visit

And I am here right now with two of my faves.

Laura Harrier is here and Victor Glemaud, oh my God.

This makes me so happy.

Hey. This makes me so happy.

Hi guys, how are you feeling tonight?

So excited to be here.

You look amazing. So do you.

I love what you're wearing, you look incredible.

Yeah, we're just here together.

[Victor] It's really exciting. Here to have fun.

[Laura] Back at The Met.

[La La] All right, so tell me the inspiration

behind this look and gilded glamor.

What is your- what's the inspiration behind this all?

[Laura] I really wanted to focus on

the silhouettes of that time, I was really excited to do-

[La La] Yes, yes, that's beautiful.

The whole, you know- Gorgeous.

Bodice and a big full skirt, it's a silhouette

that I've never worn to The Met before.

So Victor and I just kind of collaborated along with H&M

and kind of brought together some ideas to make it happen.

I just love that.

Victor, how are you feeling tonight?

I get so happy when I see you.

I'm so happy to see you, La La.

I'm so happy to be here with Laura.

It's amazing to be at The Met,

to pay tribute to André Leon Talley,

who used to be right here.

[La La] I know. This area.

I'm thrilled, I can't wait.

Absolutely, well, I'm wishing you guys a fun night.

You look stunning, gorgeous.

I will see you inside.

Yes. And thank you

for coming to say hi.

Thank you. Thank you.

Of course, see you guys.

Bye. Thank you.

[classical music]

And we're here.

We are here, just like that, with the icon herself,

Sarah Jessica Parker.

My best friend Kim Kardashian just is obsessed with you

and loves you so much.

You look gorgeous tonight. She's so lovely.

Please tell me about this outfit.

Well, this is Christopher John Rogers.


Who I'm very fond of and.

I'd actually found a dress by a seamstress,

an extraordinary woman,

who had been close friend and confidant

of Mary Todd Lincoln, her name was Elizabeth Hob-

Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley,

and she designed all of Mrs Lincoln's clothes.

She was a- she'd been born into slavery

and bought her way out of slavery,

and had an enormously accomplished,

and inspiring and extraordinary life.

And so this dress I thought was really exquisite,

and pretty much fit the period of time

at which Andrew Bolton had focused this exhibit.

Perfectly. And so

I asked Christopher John to be part of it

and he is amazing- He's so amazing.

And he did it, and this is Philip Treacy, as always.

I just love you, I love you so much.

All right, so we have a question-

Oh-oh, okay. From somebody

in our audience.

Okay, so they said Vogue Magazine and Sarah Jessica Parker,

what role has the evolution of American fashion played

in your perception of style over the years?

Wow. That's a good question.

Okay. What was the question?

Let's bring it back one more time.

I'm sorry. Can we bring it back guys?

Okay. I'm so sorry.

So what role has the evolution of American fashion

played in your perception of style over the years?

My perception of style. Not a hard question.

No, it's pretty. Well.

Gosh, I think it's probably played a role

in all of our lives.

I mean, I think what's interesting about fashion

is interpretation and so- I agree.

You might see an image

and feel strongly inspired by, or object to it, right.

And I might feel a hundred different things

that didn't occur to you.

Right. And I think what's happened

in fashion is that rules have been broken a little bit,

and that we don't have to necessarily

look like our neighbor-

Right. Or like our classmate

or like the other mothers, or like our colleagues.

So I think what's happened is,

over time we've seen maybe a little bit of deconstruction,

but maybe more appreciation for the construction.

I don't know. That is absolutely true.

No, that is so, so right.

So before I let you go.

Yes, ma'am. I am dying to know

about Hocus Pocus 2.

You are, you're the second person tonight.

Who's not dying to know about it?

Yes, this is what I want know.

So can you gimme like, a little bit of info?

We're back. Yes.

Yes, it's amazing.

I can't give you more than that.

I'm trying to think of something cagey, and sly.

Well, they think they've won this time,

let's put it that way.

All right, okay. Yeah.

And they enjoy- they still enjoy a musical number.

I love that, I love that.

Thank you so much

for coming to say hi. Thank you,

it's lovely to see you. You too, always.

It's my complete pleasure. And you look stunning.

Enjoy your night. Thank you so much.

Thank you. All right,

Vanessa and Hamish, who do you have down there?

[Woman] Thank you.

Oh my gosh, this is a full party.

We are here with the entire Moschino crew, [crew cheering]

what's good everybody?

I feel like I wanna like give you the microphone

and let you introduce the squad.

Yes, why don't you introduce your posse.

Oh, my squad, well,

we have to start our squad with miss Vanessa Hudgens,

who is wearing Moschino, and is with us tonight.

Miss Ariana DeBose.

We got MJ,

we got Madelaine Petsch,

Simone Ashley,

Brazil's own, Anitta.


I love the- the one loud fan from Brazil, [crew cheering]

who's not really from Brazil. It's me.

We have Iris Law,

Manu Ríos,

and Houston's hottie, Met Gala Meg,

Meg the Stallion. Yup. [crew cheering]

Fantastic, so tell me about your inspirations.

What were you thinking of?

I was thinking of gilded glamor.

I was thinking of all the ways

to take it in different directions.

Thinking about the moldings of all these old money mansions

and all the different kind of, accoutrement's

you'd find inside there and taking those elements

and making them into dresses.

[Vanessa] Everyone looks absolutely incredible.

[Hamish] Just incredible. What are you guys

excited about tonight?

[Megan] I'm excited about us. [crew cheering]

[Vanessa] Yes. You should be.

[Megan] We look beautiful. You should be,

[Megan] you look incredible. Everybody looks

[Ariana] beautiful. But also,

[Megan] we're so hype. We look beautiful.

[Ariana] We are so hype.

We had the most fun coming over on the Moschino bus, honey.

[Hamish] Okay, good. On the Moschino

Party bus. We had a bus.

Like it's so great.

Like such a beautiful celebration of [Megan whooping]

all of us, we've all had such beautiful moments

this last, like, not even a year,

but a matter of months,

every single person in this lineup has had

a beautiful, beautiful moment that has been unforgettable.

[Megan] And now we're at the Met.

And tonight's gonna be just as unforgettable

as any of those.

I'm like, I wish I could unpack all of those moments

because there are genuinely. Okay.

This is just a group of icons.

I'm dead, I love it so much,

but I will see you guys in there

because I think we're sitting together.

Yes. Of course.

I wanna get on your bus for the after parties. [cheering]

I know. Come on, Hamish.

Well, we're gonna have a good time,

but I will see you guys inside.


La La, what's going on? Congratulations, we wish-

I am up here hanging out with Chloe Fineman.

So let's talk.

I love the toad. Yes, yes.

I love the look, tell me all about it.

I am in Miss Sohee,

and this beautiful gentleman, is Judith Leber,

and we're just having a golden day.

Just having a gilded, golden day.

A gilded, golden day.

A golden, gilded day.

[La La] A golden, gilded day.

[Chloe] Yes. So tell me

what's your inspiration when you hear gilded glamor.

Gild, well, first I think about the gilded age, on HBO,

and then I- kind of wanna modernize it.

And so then we went with this.

You look so great. Thank you.

Thank you so much for coming to say hi.

Thank you so much. I hope you have

an amazing night, so many surprises tonight, so get ready.

So many that I've seen so far, I'm like.

I know, that's why I'm like, this is so yeah,

yeah, no, I was just like, gag-

[classical music]

We are here with Questlove, the man, the myth, the legend.

Yeah, you know, how you doing, hold on, I'm all right.

I'm doing great. It's so good to see you.

Tell us about this look tonight.

You know, this.

I'm kind of taking a different angle on the gilded age.

I'm kind of representing African American people

who were living in the construction period.

So I had Gee Bends, these women from Alabama,

do me a special quilt to represent

Africans and African Americans post-slavery,

and also they collaborated with Greg Lauren.

Zegna made my coat, a little tribute to André Leon Talley.

And you know, and that's basically it, you know.

[Vanessa] It's amazing. That's beautiful.

[Questlove] I'm here to enjoy myself.

[Vanessa] Good, as you should.

[Hamish] It's beautiful that you've layered

so many references that's.

[Questlove] Yeah, well, you know, it's.

It's kind of.

The 1900's is a little bit different

for the African American experience.

So, you know, I felt that I should represent.

[Vanessa] Yeah. Black women who

gave much to this country, so.

[Vanessa] And talking about representation,

your documentary, Summer of Soul, was so fantastic.

Congratulations on your win, by the way.

[Questlove] Thank you so much, thank you.

[Vanessa] What inspired you to start

that journey, up that road?

[Questlove] You know, I think I'm a natural storyteller.

And for me,

the world did not know that there was

another festival that was sort of equal to Woodstock

that happened in Harlem.

And I wanted to tell that story,

and now I'm pretty much lined up.

I'm doing the Sly and the Family Stone story right now,

and about five other films.

So I've found my new calling.

[Vanessa] Yes, and I'm so excited to watch it all.

[Questlove] Thank you so much.

[Vanessa] You have the most incredible time tonight.

[Questlove] I appreciate it, thank you.

[Vanessa] Thank you. Thank you so much.

[Vanessa] Take care. Wonderful

to see you, thank you.

[crowd chattering]

This year's exhibition

features rooms designed by great American film directors.

From Martin Scorsese to Sofia Coppola.

Each room explores the director's unique visions

of the changing face of American fashion.

[Vanessa] The exhibition does not open

to public until Saturday,

but we have an exclusive sneak peek inside.

And it's really extraordinary.

This is Autumn de Wilde's homage to Mrs. Bonaparte

who scandalized early 19th century America

with her low cut dresses.

Nothing's new.

Martin Scorsese took over the Frank Lloyd Wright room

with a staged wake, a mid-century wake,

with all the protagonist- the lady protagonists

dressed in amazing Charles James ball gowns.

So powerful.

It looks so incredible.

Yeah, it's room after room.

And the American period rooms really come to life

with these different directors visions

in this exciting, exciting way.

For more behind the scenes footage,

visit where you can also catch

exclusive videos with Bad Bunny, Lizzo,

Ariana DeBose and many more.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

I am here with the stunning, always fabulous,

Precious lee is here, talk about making an entrance.

You know how much I love you?

I love you.

Tell me everything about this look,

I mean, this is- this is iconic.

I mean, we're giving galactic, ascending mermaid.

[La La] I love that. You know,

I was really excited to work with a designer

that was super collaborative,

on bringing this gilded idea together,

and not just going for an obvious gilded.

And just really embracing the theme.

I love that.

We're in The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Right, yeah. You know what I mean?

Like it's something that brings out the fantasy in me

that I really feel like this look really embodied.

So I love it.

[La La] And you said you love gold,

you put all these amazing gold accessories with this, it's.

[La La] I know. And your eyebrows,

is everybody seeing that? I pinched the brows.

[La La] That's stunning.

We're giving a gilded brow.

[La La] Yes. Gilded hand.

[La La] You're the first one with a gilded, bleached brow.

Listen, it's just.

Take trends. I really,

really embraced the theme.

I love it, and I just feel like,

I don't wanna be so like.

[La La] It's so fun. Yes.

I'm having fun. Yeah I'm having fun, too.

Aren't you having fun. We're gonna- yes.

And we're gonna have more fun tonight.

Listen, I refuse to not have fun in this process.

We're celebrating art,

we're celebrating fashion. Yes absolutely.

We're celebrating New York being back.

Of course. This is my

second Met, and I just feel, you know,

super excited and grateful to be in such a look

that feels good and feels like me.

You look amazing, love you, see you inside.

I love you, too. Have the best time.

You look gorge. I can't wait to party

and have some fun. Are we partying after?

Yes, we're partying after. No, we have to.

We're gonna party. Okay.

Okay, see you later.


[classical music]

We have the absolutely breathtaking

Hailey Bieber with us now.

Now, just straight off the bat,

I have to say, you have been so powerful

and brave sharing your recent struggles of health.

And we're just so happy to see you tonight.

Thank you. And it's so beautiful to

see you so open- I'm happy to be here.

And so vulnerable, I think that

that's such an inspiring and important thing.

Yeah, thank you.

I mean, obviously it was a little bit hard to talk about

just 'cause it was a really scary experience,

but I felt like, if it could help anybody,

bring light to the situation,

it's not really a well known thing to happen,

especially in very young people.

So I just wanted to share my story

and it actually felt freeing for me to be able to share it.

And I'm just happy that I'm okay, and I'm healthy,

and I'm here and I'm ready to have an amazing night, yeah.

And now, you've walked the Met Gala red carpet

a few times now, how has your approach

to the evening evolved?

I feel like now, my preparation's a little bit different,

just try to like stay relaxed.

Obviously there's always a little bit of jitters

that come with it because it's such a massive event

and a massive carpet, but I feel like,

I just try to relax, do some breathing,

really just try to enjoy it and be present

and enjoy the lead up to it and enjoy the night.

And I think that when I first came to the Met,

I was so nervous, I just couldn't soak in anything.

[Vanessa] Yeah, it's overwhelming.

And so now I really- yeah, it's really overwhelming,

and I feel like it's always overwhelming,

but each year that I can try

to be a little bit more present, is helpful.

[Vanessa] And well, you gotta talk to me about this fit.

It's just, I mean, stunning.

This is Saint Laurent,

and we just wanted to do this feather-ode

to an old Jerry Hall YSL reference.

[Hamish] I remember the moment,

I was at the show when she wore it.

Okay, so I just felt like that really jumped out to me

and I loved that reference

and I'm super happy with how it came out.

We have a picture, I think from last year,

that we wanted to pull up

just to see how it- look at this, what a vibe.

Every time I leave the Met,

I go straight back to the hotel

and I dive into a piece, or two, or three, of pizza.

I mean, I'm kind of like a full pizza kind of gal.

Yeah, same.

Okay, good. I'm from New York,

so every time I'm back here,

I'm like, the first thing I need after,

is pizza, please and thank you.

Okay, well maybe we can grab a pizza together after this.

Let's do it.

Okay, huzza. Let's do it, please.

Well, have an incredible time tonight.

Thank you, I'll see you guys in there.

Wonderful to see you. Okay, we'll see you there.

You too, thank you. Working it

just as beautifully as Jerry did.

La La, what's going on over there?

So, a lot happening up here.

It is heating up, and I have Pier Paolo and Ms. Glenn Close

coming up right now to the carpet.

They're making their way,

they're just doing a little fixing right now.

As you can see, the carpet is so good right now.

Hello, you two.

[Pier Paolo] Hello. Hi, it's so nice

to see you. Hi, how are you?

Nice to see you. So nice to see you.

You look amazing.

Please tell me how this came about.


I was told that I was invited to come,

and then I didn't know

who was going to design something for me.

And I think about two weeks went by,

and then I was told that Pier Paolo

was gonna design something for me.

I feel so lucky and honored to be tonight with her.

[Glenn] And then

I found out he was gonna be with me on the steps.

This is like

This right here is everything, you look amazing.

Now, everyone knows you're on the new season of Tehran.

Could you tell me a little bit about it?

'Cause we're just so excited for that.

I'm very proud of being in Tehran.

I wanted to be an American speaking Persian,

and so I learned some Persian in order to do it.

I worked with a- it was originally a show in Israel.

It was the first Israeli show to get an international Emmy.

And it was the first foreign show like it

to be picked up by Apple TV+.

So it's a great honor, and I had a fantastic time.

Very challenging and a very different character

from what I've played before, so, yeah.

We're so excited about it.

Pier Paolo, you know how much I love you.

How did you prepare for a night like tonight?

Thank you.

Me? Yes.

He smokes a cigarette. I don't prepare- yeah.

Many cigarettes, just a tuxedo,

but well, worn like a t-shirt.

I prefer to have

a date like that. Yes, a beautiful date.

Yes, well you both are. These sunglasses, the best.

The best.

You both are stunning.


I'll see you guys inside,

have the best time- yes. I feel very lucky.

Thank you. Have the best, best time.

Vanessa and Hamish, what's going on down there?

We are freezing, but apart from that, we're great.

'cause we've got Awkwafina here with us.

Yes, it's great to be here.

Well, it's wonderful to see you.

Yeah. Tell us a little bit

about this whole, bele park situation.

Yeah, so this is Gucci,

and very honored to be here tonight with them.

And yeah, I feel like this had just

kind of screamed at me and yeah.

And I was magnetically attracted to it, it's great.

It's great, it's very, very turn of the century.

I love it. Thank you.

It's fantastic. I appreciate that, yeah.

Very on theme. You guys look great as well.

Thank you, yes.

So you've been- you've done the Met Gala before.

Yeah. Do you feel like

that has prepared you for tonight?

Do you have any tips that you've learned over the past?

You know, the last one was a blur.

I feel like it was.

And it really feels like it's back in swing.

I feel like tonight,

I think it just appropriate bathroom breaks,

and maybe not too much, like yeah.

[Vanessa] But I gotta ask,

who are you most excited to rub shoulders with

as you're washing your hands in the bathroom?

Oh man, I mean, I just saw Hailey Bieber leave,

that was pretty cool.


I have some of my Crazy Rich Asian's castmates here

with me tonight, so I'm just happy to

see some people, meet some new people, it's gonna be good.

Yeah, I love it.

Well, you look so phenomenal.

You are going to thrive tonight.

Thank you. Have the most

incredible time. Thanks you guys.

Of course. Bye-bye, see you later.

La La, how you doing over there?

Yes, so I am here with my family,

Swizz and AK, Alicia Keys.

Yes. So,

so AK, let me ask you a question.

So, did you just say,

I'm just gonna shut down the whole carpet tonight,

like that was your inspiration.

I'm just shutting down the whole carpet?

Listen. When I looked I said, oh.

My inspiration is our city,

you know, New York city forever.

And just being able to have The Empire State,

we're both from New York, all of us,

and Ralph Lauren is also from New York.

So we really wanted to just

bring New York to the gala.

It feels a bit arte too,

so it has this kind of artistic vibe.

We love all of the cape.

I love it, I'm so excited about tonight.

This is definitely one of my favorite looks of the night.

Bro, you know, you not doing too bad yourself.

You come through and shut it down every single time.

Tell me what you both are looking forward to tonight.

Just having fun and seeing a lot of people

we haven't seen in a long time.

You know, this is a night of art.

[Alicia] Yeah. Supporting The Met

as artists and collectors ourself.

Yes. And we just want to have fun

and just have that New York state of mind.

Of course you have so many big New York records.

Oh my gosh. And just embodying

this city, and like you said,

to put that on your clothes tonight

is just so, so amazing, and just so iconic.

I love it, that's exactly right.

My newest song, City of God's, is another New York Anthem.

Empire state of mind is just,

it's such a blessing for that to be something

that people just, they were singing it right out there

when I was standing there.

So I have to say, it's an honor to represent our city.

I love New York city.

I'm so proud of our resilience.

And tonight we're looking forward to being together,

like all together.

[La La] And having some fun.

[Alicia] And having some fun.

[La La] And partying.

Okay, so somebody wrote us from Twitter.

They wanted to talk to you.

So let's see, exactly, okay.

So they, oh, that was you, you wrote that.

Lights out, we ready, one time for NYC.

[Alicia] Let's go. Complete shutdown.

Her inspiration was,

I'm just gonna shut the whole carpet down today.

You know how much I love you both.

Thank you for stopping by, Imma see y'all inside.

[Alicia] And we partying tonight. All right.

We repping New York tonight.

Always, always for sure.

All right, see you guys.

[classical music]

Hello, I'm here with Conan Gray.

Tell me what you're wearing.

I'm wearing Valentino, by Pier Paolo.

It's a cape, above all, is what I really wanted.

And yeah, it's a beautiful Chiffon.

I have giant platform boots on.

Okay, great.

That I hopefully won't fall in. [Hamish laughing]

[Hamish] How are you managing so far?

So far, so good. Okay good.

I just played Coachella in these exact platforms.

Oh you did? And I was jumping.

Okay, good. So I feel like

I'll survive today.

That sounds like great practice.

[Conan] Yeah.

[Hamish] So this is very, very gilded glamor.

Yes, tell me what you were,

what you were drawn to in the theme.

I think, mostly, I really wanted to,

one, I really wanted to be on theme,

and I think the gilded age is very decadent

and a lot of crystals is what we wanted.

We put some crystals in my hair.

I love the crystals in the hair.

Those are so magical. Thank you,

thank you very much. The whole thing is very

kind of mid summer nights dreams.

Yes, that's what we were going for.

Ethereal. Or something a little,

a little ethereal, a little theatrical in a way.

I feel like that's the whole point of the Met.

Well it's magical.

Thank you.

Have fun. Thank you so much.

Good luck on the stairs, I know you'll be great.

Thank you very much, I'll try my best.

Thank you.

So lovely to see you.

[Conan] Thank you, nice to meet you. [classical music]

[La La] Who is the best dressed couple

to walk tonight's red carpet so far?

Follow Vogue Magazine on Twitter

to cash your vote now,

and we'll reveal the results later in the show.

[classical music]

On January 28th, 2022,

the fashion world lost one of its greatest champions

and most beloved storytellers.

Author, journalist, creative director

and editor-at-large of Vogue Magazine,

André Leon Talley.

This past Feb- this past Friday,

the fashion world gathered to celebrate André's legacy

at the Abyssinian Baptist church in Harlem.

It was an extraordinarily moving ceremony,

led by the Reverend Calvin O. Butts the third,

and it featured tributes from Anna Wintour,

Bethann Hardison, Mark Jacobs,

Diane von Fürstenberg, Naomi Campbell,

among others, was really a powerful and stirring,

stirring day with the most celestial music

from the church's choir.

André, of course, worked at the Costume Institute for years

alongside Diana Vreeland, and was always a great lover

and supporter of the Institute.

In acknowledgement of his profound contributions

to American fashion, one of his iconic robes

has been added to this year's exhibition.

The ivory and black silk satin duchess robe

was designed by Ralph Rucci

for his spring-summer 2010 collection,

and worn by André to the Met Gala in 2010,

and the SCAD Savannah Film Festival in 2018.

Thank you for everything André, you are very much missed.

[classical music]

We are here with another of tonight's co-chairs

and one of my dear friends,

the one and only, Lin-Manuel Miranda,

and his incredible and gorgeous wife,

Vanessa Nadal, thank you guys so much for being here

and talking to us.

What is the inspiration behind the look for tonight?

Oh, well this is my- first, I have to say,

this is my first Met gala.

[Vanessa] We love it. So, I call.

I called in a favor and I called my friend,

the Oscar nominated Paul Tazewell,

who did the amazing wardrobe for Hamilton

and In The Heights, and was nominated for West Side Story.

And so he gave me a little gilded age pizazz

and the P- shoes are by Paul-

Yeah, I'm wearing Oscar de la Renta, which is so exciting

'cause I got to wear him for my wedding.

[hosts fawn]

Just, you know, we got the-

I know we're matching. Yeah.

Yeah, and I just wanted to do like some pops of color,

and very excited about it, so.

Wait, are we sufficiently gilded, did we- are we okay?

With a little green shoe, I love that.

It's a Parker shoe.

I love it, it's so beautiful.

And Paul Taswell did you well,

I love that, the collar detail, it's very subtle and.

[Lin-Manuel] Thank you.

[Vanessa] Now Lin, you're really jumping

in the deep end here, to my first timer,

and also co-chair of this event,

what are you feeling right now?

How are you feeling?

[Lin-Manuel] I'm really excited, I agreed to co-chair,

one, because I think it's so important to support The Met

and support important New York institutions

coming out of two years when no one was going to museums.

So I'm just happy to support a really good cause.

And also, when you get to co-chair,

you get to welcome everyone. So I get to see all of the

L-E-W-K-S, looks and, [hosts laugh]

and so I feel like,

I'm starting from the best seat in the house.

[Vanessa] Oh, huzzah.

And how are you feeling, Vanessa?

[Vanessa Nadal] I never in a million years

thought I'd be here, so I'm pinching myself,

and I'm very excited.

[Vanessa] I love it, I love it.

[Hamish] Well.

I also recently.

I understand that you have collaborated

with a Broadway legend

for project Queen Elizabeth the second's

Platinum Jubilee, can you tell us about that?

I can tell you that.

I mean, what a sentence I'm about to say,

I can tell you that Andrew Lloyd Webber called me

and said it's the Queen's Jubilee,

we should do something together,

and we haven't written it yet.

So, call me in a month when we figure out what we've done.

But yeah, we're working on, we're cooking on something

to make it really special.

[Vanessa] Oh my God, that's so exciting and.

[Hamish] We know it's gonna be so exciting.

[Vanessa] Now, also in 2016,

Sarah Jessica Parker paid homage to your role in Hamilton,

right here on the Met Gala red carpet.

Have you seen this look by the way?

Can we pull up the image?


[Lin-Manuel] I know what you're talking about.

[Vanessa] You know. I don't need

to see it on the monitor, I remember.

I remember that was one of the surreal,

oh, we are beyond the arts and leisure page,

the musical theater section of the newspaper,

when people are wearing looks inspired by a thing I wrote.

[Hamish] It zeitgeist's suddenly.

Yeah, that, that was like a real like,

oh this is bigger than I ever imagined, moment.

Well, you are the zeitgeist, and I adore you so much.

Have the most incredible time tonight.

Thank you, love you guys.

Thank you very much. Love you.

[Hamish] Enjoy your debut.

[Lin-Manuel] Yeah, thank you guys.

[Vanessa] Bye. Bye.

[classical music]

I am here with my friend,

the ever so stunning, Winnie is here.

Winnie Harlow, what is going- stunning.

Stunning, stunning, stunning, stunning.

Thank you.

You too, oh my gosh, you look gorgeous.

In your LaQuan, gra.

You know how much I love you.

We said, Iris is like, as a designer,

is like a work of art, so tell me about this.

It is.

She creates masterpieces when it comes

to all of her looks.

Down to the head piece, everything, the detail.

Yeah, this is my second year coming with her,

and it's just an honor every time.

So what does gilded glamor mean to you?

I mean, zips in- dipped in glamor, you know?

Making sure that everything is up to the T,

and I feel like that's what Met is in general.

[La La] Absolutely, absolutely.

So what are you looking forward to tonight?

I'm looking forward to the performance.

I think every year I'm looking forward to performance.

[La La] Yeah, yeah. I'm looking forward

to the performance, but also seeing everyone.

I wanna see what everyone's wearing.

Like, your headpiece is giving me life.

[La La] I love you, I love you.

I'm looking forward to getting more life all night.

[La La] All night and partying all night.

Okay. I can't wait

to see you inside, you know how much I love you.

Thank you, my love. Have so much fun

and I will see you inside. Thank you.

All right, for sure, for sure.

All right, I think we have.

I think my sister's about to come up.

We need a second.

We need a second.

[classical music]

Thank you, oh.

Hey, oh my goodness gracious.

Tell me everything. [Billie laughing]

Well, this is Gucci and it is all existing materials.

So we didn't, you know, have to waste a bunch of stuff.

This is all already existed and just wanted to like

be kind of as, I don't know,

eco-friendly as possible, I guess, with the theme.

Billie, you look hot, you look amazing.

I mean, you've got it down.

You look amazing. Down, for sure.

It is down.

For sure, for sure.

And up. So tell me- And up, and up.

Tell me what you're looking forward to tonight.

Oh, I don't know.

I'm in a good place, I feel very excited to see some friends

and feel less kind of nervous than I was last time

and just feel.

More calm. I just wanna have fun

and like, just talk and socialize and just, yeah.

Kind of just have a good time, and just let go.

Yeah, are you kidding me?

Absolutely, so for all your fans, and for me,

and everyone that loves you, tell me what you got coming up.

[Billie] Tour, lots of tour. Tour, Okay.

[Billie] And I'm just starting to feel

really creative again, and that is a good sign.

[La La] That makes me happy. So, you know,

eventually something will come of that.

[La La] It absolutely will,

you are one of my favorites. Thank you.

[La La] You look gorgeous and I'm so glad-

[La La] You look gorgeous. You came over

to say hi. Of course.

[La La] I hope you have the best night.

Oh my God. All right,

I'll see you inside, okay, thank you so much.

Stunning, stunning, stunning, stunning, stunning, stunning.

All right, Vanessa, Hamish, what's going on down there?

Well, we have Maisie Williams and Christine Baranski.

Welcome, and happy birthday Christine.

Happy birthday.

Thank you very much.

[Vanessa] How are you guys feeling?

I'm sorry? How are you guys

feeling tonight?

Well, I'm feeling festive.

It's my 70th birthday.

[Vanessa] Oh my gosh.

What a serendipitous party to attend,

don't you think? In full view.

[Vanessa] I inspire to be you when I am your age.

[Hamish] Oh yeah, my gosh, 70's the new 45, clearly.

Amen. It is.

And if anyone knows about giving it gilded age glamor,

it's gonna be you.

Oh, thank you.

No, I'm so pleased to be wearing Thom Browne tonight.

He's a great American designer, and he,

he just gets style like nobody else.

And what are you excited about this evening?

Well, it's my first Met Gala, and you?

Wow, my second Met Gala.

So, excited to show Christine the ropes.

[everyone laughing]

You look so incre- these shoes

are the wildest shoes I've seen.

They're like little blocks and.

They are.

[Hamish] They're little Thom Browne.

[Maisie] Kind of like little toy blocks.

They came from his most recent- Thom's

most recent collection, which.

[Hamish] Was shown on Friday, right?

[Maisie] It was. Fresh

from the runway, literally. Fresh from the runway

onto my feet.

Are they easy to navigate stairs in?

Have you tried? Not particularly,

but we haven't had a good go at it yet, so.

Okay, well Thom gave me spike heels the last Met Gala,

and that, I was- that was a challenge.

Hurting for days.

That was a challenge, it gave me

a whole new level of empathy, I can tell you that.

What are you guys looking forward to about tonight?

Well, I know that a couple of my friends are going,

so looking forward to seeing them,

and also looking forward to having fun, I dunno, yeah.

[Vanessa] Yes, it is the night of fun and glamor

and you guys look absolutely fantastic.

Have the most wonderful time.

Happy birthday.

[Christine] Oh thank you. Happy,

[Christine] happy birthday. Thank you.

[Vanessa] Here's to the gilded age. La La,

La La, how's it going over there?

So I'm here with my sister,

who just shut down the carpet in like a crazy, crazy way.

Teyana Taylor is here.

Yo, I just saw you. Thank you.

I just saw- Corey, what's going on, Corey?

[Teyana] Hey Corey. Hey Corey.

Hey Corey.

So we are here, tell me about this.

I just watched you shut down the whole carpet.

Tell me about that.

What was I doing?

You was- All that, all that, all that.

This is everything.

Thank you. Talk to me about the look.

So I'm wearing Iris van Herper.

I love her. Yeah, she's a beast.

She's a beast, and I'm really excited about it.

And, you know, I love themes,

but I wanted to go a little bit different.

I wanted to go like, give a real gilded meets the future,

gilded in the galaxy.

[La La] And you're giving that.

Or a little bit of Ursula, gilded under the sea.

You feel me?

So either the galaxy or under the sea, but either way.

[La La] Either way.

The shoulders is here. [La La laughing]

[La La] Thank you. What are you

looking forward to most tonight?

Everything, you know, this is my second year.

So I'm super excited to see what's gonna happen.

[La La] Right. I'm excited to see

[La La] the exhibit. Right, me too.

You know, to learn more of the history.

I've been hearing a lot about it, like,

with the black women and everything that's going on.

[La La] Right. With them making

[La La] the fabrics. Exactly.

So I'm like, I'm trying to get in,

[La La] I want to see everything. And there's

so many amazing rooms to see. Yeah.

[La La] It's gonna be iconic in there.

[La La] Yes. And of course,

partying and just having a good time.

Yeah, but most importantly,

[La La] learning your history. That's true.

[La La] You know what I'm saying? That's true.

I bought my Sandos, they purple, they match,

I'm about to go in there, throw them shits on,

excuse my language, throw 'em on

and get to learning, get to studying.

[La La] Yes. You gonna go.

You know Imma find you, Imma see you inside.

You know, I got the Pop Eyes with me too.

Okay, perfect. Yeah, I got you.

So we ready, we ready. You know it, come on.

I love you.

Love you. I love you,

I'll see you inside, okay, all right.

Thank you- yes.

Sigourney Weaver and Michael Kors.

Oh, hi, Michael hi, with Sigourney.

How are you. It's so nice to see you.

Two of my favorites.

So tell me how this awesome pairing came about.

I've known Michael for a long time.

I think I was at the opening of his first store.


And then a few years ago. Yeah, a few years ago,

we won't say how many, La La, but.

I have have been a huge fan ever since.

Love his clothes, love the American chic he brings

to every season, and I just.

He's one in a million.

And we all absolutely love you.

Tell me about what gilded glamor means to you.

You know, it's interesting

because when I think of the gilded age,

I think of women as being so

contained in these- kind of encased.

And what's wonderful is to think about that.

I mean, everyone looks so beautiful

with so much amazing detail and workmanship,

which I think is from that period.

But they- these wonderful gowns

have freedom for a modern woman.

And I look at these women in these tight dresses

and I know what they want

is to throw off those corsets and get the vote.

I love that, I love that.

Michael, you know how much I love you and adore you.

Yeah. Tell me what

you're excited about tonight.

You know, I mean really, to see.

First off, to see everyone gathered together,

celebrating American fashion.

[La La] Absolutely.

I'm New York born and bred.

[La La] Same. Started my business

over 40 years ago here in New York.

And then to be here with, really, a true American icon,

a friend, a muse, an inspiration,

it's a perfect night.

It is an absolute perfect night.

Thank you both for coming to say hi.

I hope you have

the most amazing night. Yes.

No, La La, thank you. Absolutely.

I love everything about you.

Thank you so much. Thank you so much

for coming to say hi, all right, I'll see you guys inside.

You look gorgeous. Thank you so much.

Great to see ya.

All right, Vanessa and Hamish,

wait, I think you got my best friend down there.

What's going on?

[Man] Mind your shoulder. Yes.

[Woman] No.

Yes, we are here with your girl, my girl,

everyone's girl, our favorite, Ciara.

You look so stunning, how are you feeling?

Thank you so much, I'm so excited to be here.

This is the gilded age.

I know. What.

I know.

And you definitely brought it,

talk to me about your look.

Thank you, I'm wearing Michael Kors, and you know,

I'm representing the modern woman of gilded age.

It was all about luxury and opulence back in those times.

And that modern woman was all about fashion,

she was pushing fashion forward.

And so I have metallic zebra print going on here.

Nice silver foil in my hair as well.

Metallic nails, you know, we're pushing it forward.

And then my hair, which was so fun.

It's absolutely stunning.

I had to give inches today.

Of course, if there's a day to do drama, it is today.

You have to, at The Met, you must do drama.

Yes. That's the only option.

It's a prerequisite.

If you're not doing drama, why are you at the met?


What are you looking forward to about tonight?

Well, I'm excited- One, to see you guys,

and my best friend, La La, hosting as well, is really cool.

I saw Lizzo walking down the hallway.

I know Cardi's gonna probably bring it, too.

Just everyone.

It's it's always fun to be in these rooms with my friends.

And so I'm looking forward to the night.

Yeah, I am too, and I'm like,

I'm gonna come find you later

because I'm like, I would love to break down

a few dance moves with you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm looking forward to dancing.

Yeah. Yeah.

You gotta dance at The Met.

I know, and it's just so iconic to be able

to sit here in The Met.

Yes. Having a dinner

with all these incredible people.

Yes, you get to see friends

you don't get to see often here, which is really cool.

Yeah. It's always fun.

Yeah. A lot of amazing energy.

Yes. Dancing,

maybe shoes come off by the end of the night, too.

You never know. Yes.

You never know, you never know.

Just having fun. Yeah.

Well, you have the most incredible night.

Go crush it on the carpet and I'll find you in there.

Thank you so much,

so great to see you guys. Of course, thank you,

you too, take care. Wonderful to see you.

Deco, fabulous. Hey La La

how's it going over there, what you got?

You know, just hanging out with my mom right now.

The amazing, stunning Kris Jenner is here, hey mom.

Hi baby, how are you?

I'm so good. Yeah, I have

my six daughters here on the carpet with me tonight.

Yes, I hope we are all making you very proud.

Oh, I'm so proud of you. Thank you so much.

I am, and you look like a dream.

Thank you so much, and so do you.

Tell me the inspiration behind this look.

Mom, you are shutting it down right now.

Tell me, the hair, everything, please give me the rundown.

This is Oscar de la Renta, and Judith Leiber bag,

and Tamara Mellon's shoes,

and Lorraine Schwartz jewelry.

Of course. So yeah.

So mom, all the kids are coming tonight.

They're coming.

I know they're all coming. We're gonna watch them

come up the stairs. I know we've,

I've been on group chats, and this and that,

seeing everybody's outfits. Yeah.

So how excited are you just to see everyone tonight?

It's so, I can't believe. Everyone looks so different.

Everyone look so different, everybody's.

I'm so proud of all of their looks,

and we all got ready together, today, at the hotel.

So that was a lot of fun.

And it's just so much fun,

and I can't believe that all five

of the girls are gonna be here, and you.

[La La] Yeah. So we'll

all be celebrating together.

Pressure, but like,

when are we getting some new music?

Because I've listened to the album multiple times

and I'm like, I'm so excited to see what you do next.

You're very sweet.

Yeah, I'm working on it right now.

I'm constantly writing and just wanna make sure it's right.

And yeah, I'm excited for a new era.

Oh my gosh, well, I'm very excited for you as well.

Congratulations on everything,

and have the most incredible, fabulous time inside.

Thank you, it was so nice to see you guys.

A symphony in lilac, you look so wonderful.

[Hamish] Thank you. Really.

[classical music]

All right, so one of my favorite couples,

Josh and Jodi are here, shutting it.

You know what, you two just shut it down every single time.

Gilded glamor at it best.

Tell me about this outfit.

Very sexy.

Very- and you have a baby? [everyone laughing]

Yeah, how- how is this pos- how is this possible?

Oh my God.

Well, the inspiration for the dress

was very like '30s, '40s era musicals.

ALA, Busby Berkeley.

And yeah, I just thought,

let's also just gild the Lily

and get a little bit, even more sparkly.

You are sexy tonight.

You look so good.

Josh, how are you feeling

and how you feeling looking at your amazing, gorgeous wife.

Obviously the luckiest man in the room.

Look at this beautiful woman.

You are so spectacular.

I love you. Looking so good

on your first red carpet here at The Met.

This is your first Met?

This is my first Met.

I'm so nervous. Oh, wow.

Yeah, and after this- And he's like, you're okay.

This is the last Met. This is it.

You never have do it again.

You just shut it down. This is it.

Exactly, so what are you,

being that this is your first Met,

what are you most looking forward to tonight?

Finding out what happens after the carpet,

because you know, for those of us who've never been,

all we know is that bit there.

So I'm looking forward to seeing

what the rest of it's all about.

[La La] Well, I hope you both have an amazing time.

Thank you.

[La La] Favorite couple. Thank you very much.

[La La] You guys look amazing.

And you look amazing, by the way.

[La La] Thank you so much. I love this head piece, wow.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'll see you guys inside, all right, thank you so much.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

I am here with the amazingly talented

and stunningly gorgeous, KiKi is here.

What's up La La, what's good?

Oh my goodness, you look so- the color, the dress.

Tell me all about this.

I just think you look stunning.

Thank you, it's a little custom Prabal Gurung.

He said he was actually inspired

by some of the performances in my film

to make something that was equally tender

and sweet, but also had some strength to it.

And then I just took it to another level with the hair,

you know. That hair is gorgeous.

Everything is gorgeous.

So speaking of your films,

tell me what you're working on, what do we have coming up?

So. You always got something big

brewing, every time.

Okay, well, most immediately coming out in a couple weeks

is Rescue Rangers, where I'm running

around with Chip 'n Dale.

[La La] That's fun. Yes, the chipmunks.

[La La] That's fun. Yes.

Oh my gosh, and then Don't Worry Darling,

coming out later in the year, so yeah.

[La La] You know how much I love you and support you.

You look absolutely gorgeous.

[La La] Thank you, so do you. I hope you have

the best time tonight, and I will see you inside.

[La La] Yes ma'am. Thanks for coming

to say hi, absolutely, bye KiKi.

[KiKi] Bye.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

We have the icon.

Oh my gosh, I love everything about this woman right here.


Hello. Hi, you look so stunning.

Thank you so much, you too.

Oh my gosh, thank you so much.

And you have just announced your world tour,

which is so exciting, I will be there, for sure.

Please. What can fans expect?

Yes, you have to come.

It's gonna be much different than the tour before.

I'm very excited.

It's been a long time that I'm not performing,

like doing a full show,

so it's gonna be like, a lot of energy.

Well, you are a lot of energy and you are right there too.

So it's going to be fantastic.

And a lot of dress.

Tell us about- tell us about the dress.

I mean, she came to Paris and we started sharing ideas

and you know. Yes.

[Matthew] Sketches back and forth, but you know,

I wanted to make something

that really embodied her personality,

[Rosalía] but still stayed with a theme. And you did.

[Matthew] Yeah. I know, it's really

[Rosalía] turn of the century splendor. He killed it.

Yeah, and show the corset,

the metal corsetting on the back, yeah.

Oh my gosh. Oh, wow.

[Rosalía] Yeah, yeah. But

she makes it come alive.

[Hamish] The little details.

We've just had butterflies in the hair,

but you've got a.

And the teeth, too, yes.

What was it like for you guys collaborating together?

Really easy, we've been friends for a long time.

So I just sent her a text, like,

will you come to the Met with me?

And I'm like, of course, let's do it.

Yeah so she came over, she was in Paris,

and came over for some tea and we just.

[Hamish] And you had the fittings at Givenchy in Paris?

Yeah. We shared some ideas.

Shared some ideas. And it was so organic.

[Matthew] It was like, easy. Yep.

[Hamish] What sort of references were you thinking of?

[Matthew] I mean, I mostly work with swatches.

So there was, you know, swatches of embroidery

that I just paneled together to.

[Rosalía] Yeah. I really love

the idea of the transparency

and still having some lightness, you know,

some feeling of lightness but.

[Rosalía] We were seeing some images of the theme too.

[Matthew] Yeah. But then

[Matthew] we decided. And try

to reinterpret them in our own way, yeah.

[Rosalía] Exactly, exactly.

[Vanessa] And even like down to the glasses,

I love it so much.

[Matthew] Yeah, she's premiering these glasses

for the first time.

[Vanessa] Okay, well, I would love a pair as well

because they're stunning.

You guys have the most incredible time tonight

[Rosalía] and we'll see you inside. You too.

[Hamish] Fantastic. Thank you.

[Hamish] Congratulations. [laughs]

[Matthew] Thank you. Thank you so much.

[classical music]

All right, so my little sister is here,

shutting it down, like always, Chloe Bailey.

I love you so much.

This outfit.

Do you like it? I love it,

tell me all about it.

Yeah, so I'm wearing Area,

and I wanted to feel really majestic and queen like,

and very strong, and I feel like a Phoenix tonight.

So it's really fun, and I'm so happy to see you.

You look absolutely beautiful, as always.

I love you so much, the accessories are amazing.

This is your second Met, right?

Yes, it's my second Met.

I'm a little heartbroken because my sister Halle

isn't with me, but I'm trying to rep

for the both of us tonight. And you definitely.

So I hope I'm doing a good job.

You're doing a great job.

So is it still as intense as the first time?

Or have you kind of calmed down a little bit?

[Chloe] Oh, it's just as intense,

I'm shaking a little bit.

I think we all get nervous. You showed me your hands,

and you're shaking. I know.

So I'm like, you know what,

smile and wave, boys. Yes.

Smile and wave. Smile and wave,

and get ready to party. Exactly.

You know how much I love you, I can't wait

to see you inside. I love you.

[La La] We're gonna have so much fun tonight.

[Chloe] Okay, I'm so proud of you.

[La La] I love you,

[Chloe] I'm proud of you. I'll see you inside.

[La La] All right, I'll see you inside. Love you.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

Oh my gosh, and here walking in,

we have the ever breathtaking, Emily Ratajkowski.

Oh my gosh. Oh my God, how are you?

I'm good, I'm nervous.

Oh, you are? Why?

Of course, it's The Met, I'm nervous.

But you've done this so many times.

I know, you'd think I would be over it.

How are you guys?

We're good, I've like completely lost my voice.

But other than that.

You brought a little heater with you.

I do, I do.

Talk to me about this look.

I'm wearing Atelier Versace, 1992, Gianni, yes.

[Hamish] Oh really, wow.

[Emily] Originally worn by Yasmeen,

this amazing supermodel I'm obsessed with, so.

[Hamish] I'm obsessed with Yasmeen, too.

[Emily] I'm very, very happy to be wearing this look.

[Hamish] That walk.

[Emily] Yeah, I feel very lucky,

she's the last one who wore it, so.

[Hamish] Are you gonna be giving us a Yasmeen swing?

I don't know, I'm gonna do my best.

I'm gonna do my.

[Vanessa] And that's all you can hope for.

[Vanessa] It's quite heavy, so yeah. I bet.

But yeah. That's so exciting.

Since you've been to The Met so many times now,

have you picked up tips along the way?

Or like, how do you think your process

has evolved for this night?

I mean, I relax a lot beforehand.

I used to be like, I need to prep,

and it's like, it's better not to prep.

Go and just enjoy yourself.

But you know, now I'm nervous, so, it's all another.

No, you look absolutely fantastic.

Thank you so much. Yes.

You have nothing to worry about.

Amazing. Have so much fun

and I'll find you in there.

Bye guys. Yes, channel Yasmeen.

[Vanessa] Give us that swing. Yes, oh, gorgeous,

my goodness.

La La, how you doing up there?

I am hanging out with Elon Musk

and his beautiful mom, Maye,

who just is absolutely.

We match, we are matching right now.

I know, I know.

This is Dior Haute Couture, and this is Chopard.

You look absolutely gorgeous.

Thank you. Elon,

how are you feeling tonight?

I feel great, actually.

It's exciting to see all these amazing looks

and you know, it's just.

It's just a- I mean, what we have here

is the most talented people in style and fashion,

and it's sort of the pinnacle of their work

over the year and it's.

I just admire their incredible talent.

And the beauty that's here is just incredible,

so I'm honored to be here, it's lovely.

And honored to have you here,

also I'm sure everyone is asking you

and wants to talk about this big Twitter purchase.

What can you tell us about

what you're gonna bring to Twitter now?

Well, the.

My goal, assuming everything gets done,

would be to make Twitter as inclusive as possible.

[La La] I love that.

And to have as broad a swath of the country

and the rest of the world on Twitter,

and that they find it's interesting

and entertaining and funny,

and that it makes their life better.

That's amazing, thank you so much for that.

I loved seeing you guys tonight, have the best time.

Thank you. Thank you.

And I'll see you inside.

Yes, okay. All right,

thank you so much.

What's going on.

[classical music]

Tonight, as war rages in Ukraine, displacing millions,

we're reminded of the many contributions

of immigrants and refugees to American culture,

and the history and development of American fashion.

In 1917, Ukrainian born designer, Valentina,

fled the Bolshevik revolution and came to New York City,

where she established herself

as one of the premier couturiers of her day.

Dressing some of the most fashionable and celebrated women,

socialites and actresses of the 20th century.

One of Valentina's designs was recently added

to the assurance section of In America: A Lexicon of Fashion

which opened last year.

A dress of black, silk crepe,

worn with an apron of brown rayon crepe,

made for socialite Millicent Rogers.

These pieces lead a series of adaptable

tied and rap dresses, including designs by Frankie Welch,

Diane von Fürstenberg and Tory Burch.

Tonight, our heart's with the people of Ukraine

and the victims of war and displacement around the world.

Vogue's parent company, Condé Nast,

has made a donation to the red cross,

and we encourage those who can do so as well,

who can, to do so as well, at the link below.

Thank you for.

[classical music]

So my brother came to say what's up to me, up here.

Russell Westbrook is in the building, how do you feel?

We in the building, I'm feeling good.

I'm looking good, you know.

Looking good, tell me about this because,

see the thing about you that I love is

that you're fearless when it comes to fashion.

Were you always like that?

Always, you gotta be able to express yourself,

and today, I wanted to do something a little different.

You know, I decided to put the hat on last minute,

but put it together.

Tom did a great job of making sure I look nice,

so I'm excited about it.

So what inspired you tonight,

when you heard gilded glamor?

Like you just- I just love

that you always take fashion risks,

but what inspired you tonight.

You wanna know one thing that inspired me,

I kind of- you watched Bridgerton?

[La La] Of course. So, you know.

[La La] So that's what inspired you.

That's why earlier I put this hat on.

That's- the same thing.

I was all Bridgerton, I went and put my hat on.

[La La] Right. Nah, it was

a perfect inspiration, perfect way to top up my outfit, so.

[La La] Well, you're definitely an icon-

Thank you. On the court,

off the court, when it comes to fashion, so.

Thank you. Thank you

for coming to say hi. Appreciate it, La La.

Thank you. And I will see you

inside and keep killing it. You know what I'm saying.

Thank you, appreciate it.

Of course, of course.

[classical music]

I am here with Stormzy, who just like- you just

came through and just said,

I'm gonna shut the whole thing down.

Thank you. You look amazing,

please- You look amazing, too

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Please tell me about your look.

I'm wearing Burberry, by the legendary Riccardo Tisci.

So, yeah, man, I'm- usually, I wear all black

a lot of the time.

I wear my tracksuits or. Right.

[Stormzy] It's nice to shine today, yeah, man.

[La La] This is different for you,

[Stormzy] but you look so, so great. Thank you.

So how does it feel attending the Met Gala tonight?

Are you nervous? Are you okay? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I am nervous, it's crazy, like it's like,

it's a lot different to like.

Be here? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's a lot like- it's a lot, but it's amazing.

I said, I'm just gonna embrace it.

I said, you know, I got the glory of God shining in me.

[La La] Yes. So, you know,

I'm just gonna step, you know, and it take it all in.

That's how I feel, I'm like, I just gotta embrace it.

I just gotta step. That's it man,

it's all good, that's it, it's all good, man, yeah.

Absolutely, so is there anything

that you're looking forward to tonight?

Just, you know what, just seeing everyone, man.

It's different seeing everyone on the telly

and then when you see it in real, it's like oh.

[La La] In person, you go. Right up.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

So I'm just gonna get some selfies, have a little drink,

chill out and just take it all in, man.

It's my first Met Gala, so yeah, man.

Well, welcome to the Met Gala.

Thank you very much. I hope

you enjoy yourself tonight.

I'm so glad you came over to say hi.

Thank you very much. Have the best time.

God bless you, thank you. All right, for sure.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

We are here with fashion and music icon, Lizzo.

Girl, this dress is incredible.

How did you come up with this,

and she has the flute, I'm done.

I didn't come up with it, Thom Browne did.

[Vanessa] There you go.

It's an incredible, like hand beaded.

It took 22,000 hours to make this coat.

I'm just so happy to be in it, I feel like a piece of art.

You are.

Yes. You are a piece of art.

Tell us about the nails, those are amazing, too.

Oh my God, these cork-screws.

So basically, Imma be opening everybody wine tonight.

So that's why I got these

corkscrew nails done by Eri Ishizu.

They're may- I can wipe my ass with them, so.

[Vanessa] Wow. Believe it or not, baby.

I can wipe my- I could do other things, too. [hosts laugh]

Hopefully I can play the flute.

Yes, now did- was this always

the original look from the beginning?

This has been the look from the jump,

it's always fit perfectly.

Okay. Always looked

amazingly in it.

We did minimal changes to it,

it was really just getting the coat ready

in time for the Met.

And here you are, and now your new album, Special,

comes out on July 15th. What can you tell us about it?

I'm so excited about it.

How you know about my album?

[Vanessa] Girl, I know everything.

My God, it's coming.

I mean, it's gonna be the greatest album of all time.

[Vanessa] Amen. I Hope everybody likes it.

It's the greatest album of my time,

'cause I made it. [Lizzo and Hamish laugh]

Hope you like it, download it.

We all love you.

It's a collective love.

Now since we're here,

might as well take a look at the behind the scenes

and the making of Lizzo's incredible look.

Oh shit. Yeah.

I wanted to take something

that was referencing a formal black tie event.

So using black silk satin and then gold bullion,

which I use a lot in my collections.

Just the embroidery alone is 1,200 man hours,

all hand done by the atelier here.

For me, it feels like an old dress making way

of creating something.

It is one of the most beautiful things

that I think I have done for someone.

The pattern work and the piece on her

is gonna be really one of a kind,

and something worthy of someone as special as Lizzo.

For the full video, visit,

and while you're there,

be sure to check out the rest

of our behind the scenes videos,

with stars like Olivia Rodrigo and Nicola Peltz

and Brooklyn Beckham.

[crowd cheering]

[classical music]

Now tonight doesn't just come together all on its own,

it takes the work of skilled artists and craftspeople

led by event designer, Raul Àvila.

Who's been overseeing

the Met Gala's design decor since 2007.

This year Vogue went behind the scenes with Raul

and his team to see what it takes

to build out this incredible event.

Let's watch.

[upbeat music]

Met Gala.

Well, it has a couple different names.

It is known as, party of the year.

There's no cameras allowed.

There's no phones allowed.

It's really private what goes inside.

That's as far I can go with this question.

Every year is a different theme.

Our goal really, is to do it better than last year.

For that, we gotta do a lot of work.

To get there, I have a meeting with my team.

Every single detail is really done to perfection,

and we start going through my archives, my books.

We do mood boards for fabrics,

we do mood boards for vases, florals,

any element that we are gonna be using,

there's a mood board for it.

Everything is timing.

The museum close up 5:30 PM on Sunday,

and by 7:00 AM, 10:00 AM the latest, I have to be done.

It's a lot of hard work and a very small frame of time.

You heart stops when you walk into the Great Hall,

and that's the reaction that we want from the guests

that arrive to this event.

This year, the theme is golden age.

That's the dress code.

So I look up things that happen in the era,

in the early 1900's

and how people used to dress, and it's fascinating.

To me it was just all about

having something that, when people coming to The Met,

they knew it was about America.

Raul is like a magician.

It is genuinely so incredible what he does here.

I respect that man so much.

I know, while having been here this morning,

and nothing was done.

I know. It's incredible

how it all comes together.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Visit for the full video

and more exclusive behind the scenes content.

La La, what's going on over there?

Odell, what's good?

So my friend is here.

Someone I'm super excited about,

someone my son would probably be even more excited about,

Odell Beckham Junior's in the building.

This look. Yeah.

This is you. Yeah.

Tell me about this.

This is me, Cactus Plant Flea Market.

You know, last minute decision,

just kind of came together.

It's always an honor and a blessing to be here.

So much life going on, for me,

and it's just an incredible moment, so very excited.

[La La] You look so amazing.

So when you heard gilded glamor as a theme,

what did you think of?

I thought, might have to put a chain, two, three

or four on, a couple rings.

I knew that everybody else was gonna stepping out

with some pretty impressive stuff.

So again, always an honor to be invited,

always an honor to be here.

Well, you stepped it up

and you right here with everybody else,

looking real good.

I love your outfit, I love the inspiration.

Can't wait to see you inside. We're gonna have a fun night.

We always have fun at this.

Always, always.

Next year, Imma have a super bowl ring on though.

You know you are. Imma have to add

to the little jewelry.

You know you are, you know you are.

I can't wait for that, I'll see you inside.

Yes, ma'am, love to see you. All right, see you.

All right.

Odell, come back.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

I've got Lily James with me now.

Lily, what's going- you look so incredible as always.

She always stuns. Thank you.

Aw, but so do you, I'm yeah.

I've got this amazing Versace gown and I feel,

yeah, it's pretty special.

I mean the details on this as well,

the way it's attached to your hands.

[Vanessa] Nails. Oh, and the nails.

[Lily] Yeah, it's something else.

I'm yeah- I just feel so lucky to wear it.

You look incredible,

and you were also incredible in Pam and Tommy,

as I have told you before.

What was it that attracted you to that part?

Just the opportunity to do something so different.

The scripts were so incredible.

The team involved, and the other actors,

it just felt something.

It felt like a very essential story,

but also just, for me, just such a challenge.

Yeah, and you crushed it.


And now we have Pamela on Broadway, playing in Chicago.

I know.

Are you gonna go see that while you're here?

I don't know, it's so- I've heard

the most amazing things about it.

So I would love to, but yeah,

I'm sure she's like, knockout.

[Vanessa] Yeah, totally.

It's so exciting, and it.

What are you looking forward to most about tonight?

Oh my goodness.

Getting inside and getting warm. [everybody laughing]

[Hamish] Yes, we feel you.

No, I'm you know what, this is just such a,

it's so exciting to be here,

and just soak up all of this, be inside The Met,

look round the exhibition, be with Donatella,

who I just love so much and just have a good night.

[Vanessa] Yes, well, you are stunning as always.

[Vanessa] Thank you. We'll see

you inside, have the best time.

See you inside, thank you.

[Vanessa] Thank you. So lovely

to see you.

[classical music]

I'm with Jared and Alessandro from Gucci.

We are here, this is amazing.

I love what's happening here.

Oh, thank you. Please tell me

all about the twining look we have going on tonight.

Double trouble.

[La La] Double tro- Double trouble.

Double. Double trouble.

That's it. Yeah.

Double Victorian trouble.

That's it. I like that.

Gilded trouble.

That's it, double Victorian gilded trouble.

That's all you need to know. That's all you need to know.

By the way, drop the mic, Alessandro.

Drop the mic, here we go. Good job.

Thank you so much, double trouble, there you go.

That's it right there.

Vanessa and Hamish, who you got down there?

[Katy] Pouring one out for the homies.

We have the ever talented, the ever stunning, Katy Perry.

Hi, everyone. You look so phenomenal.

How are you feeling? Thank you.

I feel great, I mean, it's not my first rodeo,

so I feel like I can, like relax.

You know, last time I came to The Met, I was a cheeseburger.

I loved it, I was like, what am I gonna do tonight?

I'm going to play a whole different card.

And now I feel like I'm just

accepting the darling darkness. [Hamish laughing]

You are, I love the- I feel like we have the dark

energy with us tonight. Yes.

I'm pouring one out for the homies. [hosts laughing]

This is fantastic

hour glass- Thank you.

Lillian Russell figure, you look amazing.

Thank you, and we have a nice bustle in the back,

paying homage to the theme.

Yes. But not too much.

[Hamish] No. Just right, I'm 37,

it's time for us to. [hands clapping]

Yes. But Oscar de la Renta

did amazing work,

and I've been pinned in for like three hours.

Don't ask me how I'm gonna go to the restroom,

[hosts laughing] ever, or anyone at The Met.

We have a Tweet,

a fan Tweet that we would love to show you.

Katy Perry perfectly understands the assignment,

Hashtag Met Gala. Aw.

Thank you so much. You do.

I do do my homework, finally.


I know I was looking it up, and it was like a subcategory.

It was like first this category, and then the next category.

And I was like,

well, I have this one ready,

and now it's this one.

So now I have to just, I'm always ready to pivot.

[Vanessa] Well, you look fantastic.

[Hamish] It looks fantastic. As always.

You guys are amazing,

I can't wait to go in there with you.

[Vanessa] Yeah, it's so nice to see you.

Nice to see you, you look gorge, nice to see you.

[Hamish] Wonderful to see you, really.

[Vanessa] Love you, bye. Take care, love.

[classical music]

Tonight, we would like to mark the passing of a friend,

a visionary designer, a trail blazer,

who we lost last November, Virgil Abloh,

founder of Off-White and artistic director

of Louis Vuitton's men.

Virgil was a generational talent

who was loved by all and helped redefine American fashion.

Vogue recently worked with some of Virgil's closest friends

and collaborators to create a documentary tribute

to the late great designer, who I love so much.

The short film will premiere next week on,

but we've got a preview now.

Let's take a look.

[Man] Magic relies on the belief

that you must adhere to believing in the untrue,

in the illusion, in the trickery.

But your victory was that your magic was true and tangible,

here before our very own eyes.

I give thanks to my belief in you,

and for yours of us.

You found rubies where I was told

there was nothing but rust.

And as the dust settles,

the magic never fades

because I think that true magic

is anyone who misbehaves,

and nobody can't say you didn't take

the planes from the sky and sew them onto suits,

gathered our roots and made fabric feel

and look like books we never got stories in.

We believe in magic because of you.



our magical V.

Rest in power Virgil, and thank you for everything.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

So all my favorites are just coming to hang out with me.

We are here with SZA.


How's your leg? It's good.

I have my boot inside, I'm gonna put it on

as soon as I get in there

and I'll be hobbling on the inside.

This hat, this outfit, is so amazing.

Thank you. An amazing take

on gilded glamor, tell me about your look tonight.

I'm with Vivienne Westwood,

and I got a little naughty latex happening.

I love the fuchsia, it's a little bright in the wood grain.

Just like my Crocs that just released,

they're wood grain print, go get those

Yes you did, you did.

Oh, Imma get you a pair, too.

[La La] Okay, thank you. But yeah,

I love a little latex,

very hard to get into, I'm very greased up.

And I have a short heel 'cause of my ankle,

but I feel like it's happening, it's, we're twinning.

And you look so good.

Thank you. So SZA, you just

decide, one day you're gonna put a song out,

I hate you, and it just goes crazy

and everyone just loves it.

It's my Anthem, I just want you to know that.

Really? Of course it is.

It's literally my Anthem.

Thank you. So tell me about it.

You were just like, this is how I'm feeling right now,

I'm about to write this, I'm just gonna put this out.

Literally, I just wanted,

I put it out on SoundCloud, 'cause I wanted a reason.

Thank you, to be pressure free.

Right. And be like,

I don't want this stress of putting out an album,

but my album's finally like ready to go,

more than I have ever felt like before.

Yes. So this summer

it'll be like a- it'll be a SZA summer.

A SZA summer.

We about- this gonna be a SZA summer.

We're getting a SZA summer.

Well, I am so glad you came over.

Wait, we have a social media comment.

SZA doing what needed to be done, Hashtag Met Gala.

Thank you. You did

what needed to be done.

Thank you. It's gonna be a fun night.

I'm so excited to see you inside to have fun.

Thank you, I'm so excited. You know much I love you.

To see you in person, I literally.

I've dreamed of talking to you on a microphone,

you have like the best speaking voice.

You have the best energy. Thank you.

Thank you, love you so, so much.

We're gonna see you inside

and have fun. Thank you.

All right, thank you.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

So now, for even more fashion,

plus exclusive access to all things Vogue,

visit and become a member of the Vogue club.

You'll get insider access to Vogue editors,

industry experts and our Global Forces of Fashion events.

Plus you can get style advice and beauty tips

from shows GET: LIVE and Beauty Hall.

Check it out.

[upbeat music]

So I'm here hanging with the newly weds,

Nicola and Brooklyn Beckham.

They are here.

You guys are getting all the votes for like,

the best dressed couple tonight.

Oh wow, that's so nice. Like the internet's

in a little bit of a frenzy right now.

Oh, wow, that is so nice.

That's amazing. We're honestly just

so excited to be here, you look so beautiful.

Thank you so much, I appreciate that so much.

So what are you guys looking forward to tonight?

Honestly, everyone- seeing everyone in their fashion,

and honestly we just get so excited

at the bottom of the carpet-

Right. When we get to look at

all the dresses in person.

Right, right. We like geek out.


It's crazy.

Honestly, we're just, we're so excited,

we're so honored to be here, invited back.

So, we have a lot of fun.

And I know it's still new,

but how's married life treating you guys?

Oh my God, it is so much fun.

You know, marrying your best mate is just, it's the best.

I love that. It's the best.

Yeah, we feel like- People always say

you should marry your best friend.

It's true, it's the best advice.

Yeah, and we feel like we're on a play date, forever.

Yeah, I had a lot of friends at you guys' wedding.

They said it was off the hook.

You guys had like the wedding of the year,

everybody had so much fun. Oh, wow.

Well, you should have come.

I know. I wish I knew you.

I'm so happy people had fun.

Honestly, that means so much.

We really wanted people to just let loose

and have fun and be able to see each other in person.

And it was really, it was nice.

So tell me about these looks

before I let you guys go inside.

Oh, usually I go just plain black suit,

but I guess this time I went like, a see-through shirt.

I like that.

And then just, you know, like nice, simple cream suit.

Pierpaolo absolutely kills it every time.

He's the best, right.

He is unbelievable.

The most amazing man, he's so lovely.

Yeah, he's the nicest guy in the world.

He is.

Yeah, he is. What about you?

Same, Pierpaolo for Valentino.

I'm so honored.

Every time I get to wear one of his dresses,

I get so excited.

Yeah. 'Cause he just- it's like,

you feel like a princess in them,

and he is so talented. You definitely do.

And so sweet. And so love- right.

I know. So lovely.

And we get so excited being able to hang out with him.

He's the best. Yes, absolutely.

Well- And what are you wearing?

So I'm wearing LaQuan Smith.

You look stunning. Amazing.

Yes, thank you.

You both are so awesome, I don't wanna keep you,

go have fun.

I'll see you inside. Thank you so much.

[La La] It was so nice to finally meet you two.

[Nicola] Yeah, I hope we get to see you.

[La La] I know, all right, see you guys later.

Okay, thank you.

[classical music]

I was fortunate enough

to be granted exclusive access to this year's exhibition

before it opened to the public.

I even brought a camera along.

Let's take a look.

[classical music]

This is Sofia Coppola's incredible room.

She had Rachel Feinstein and John Currin model the faces.

This is Chloé Zhao's shaker retiring room from the 1830s.

And it showcased the work of Claire McArdle,

incredibly innovative designer

who really helped shape American fashion in the mid century.

This is Julie Dash,

who's celebrating Ann Lowe

and Madam Etta, two unsung.

You can visit the exhibition in person beginning May 7th.

[crowd chattering]

[classical music]

[people chattering]

All right, I'm here.

Sorry, I was just catching up with my family.

Travis is here, Kourtney is here.

You're the only interview we're doing.

Well, I'm your sister, so you have to do it.

Yeah, exactly. I love you guys so much.

How are you both feeling tonight?

So good.

We're just having fun.

We were standing down there

with all the sisters, except for Kim.

Where the heck is she?

Do you know she has to get dressed

in like a secret dressing room.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

I know, it's a whole thing- It's a whole thing

That's about to happen.

So tell me about you guys's look tonight.

So we're in Thom Browne. So good.

And I'm basically

like a deconstructed version of his outfit.

I love that.

Yes, I like that. Yep.

She looks amazing.

My baby looks amazing. Yeah.

You both looks so good.

So Kourtney, when you heard that

the theme was gilded glamor,

like what did that mean to you?

I honestly didn't really think about it. [Kourtney laughs]

For luck.

But yeah, I feel like this is it

[La La] and then mine's like- Yeah it is.

[Kourtney] Falling, like dripping off of him.

[La La] I love that.

And Travis, you always take fashion risks.

You're fearless when it comes to fashion.

How do you get that confidence

when it comes to like dressing up?

[Travis] I just don't care.

And I think it's like how I grew up,

like punk rock was going against the grain.

[La La] Right. Doing

whatever you want.

[La La] You always did what you wanted.

[Travis] Yeah, absolutely.

[La La] And that's what I love

and respect about you for sure.

[Travis] Thank you so much. Of course.

Thank you guys for coming to say-

[Kourtney] You look stunning.

[La La] Thank you, sis. Yeah, you

[La La] look beautiful. I'm gonna

see y'all inside, we're gonna have fun.

All right, thanks for coming.

Yeah, we are for sure.

See y'all later.

[classical music]

Oh no, be careful, camera, camera, camera.

All right, so we're just letting Cardi and Donatella

make their way up, hi baby.

[Cardi] Hi, hi.

How you feel? Good.

Hi Donatella. Hi.

Happy birthday. Thank you, thank you.

How are you guys feeling?

I mean, wait, we gotta make sure everyone sees this

from head to- show.

killed it, Cardi, tell me about this look, please.

Your body, your body, your body, poppin'.

Yeah, well you know what I'm saying?

And this is what I wanted to give.

I wanted to give woman,

and Donatella bring that woman

because I feel like my son,

no lipo-surgery can bring this body

that my sir gave me.

He pumped up hips. I haven't seen you

since you had him.

Yes. This is, this.

It's giving, it's giving, it's giving.

It's giving, it's giving, so how do you feel

being here tonight, what are you

looking most forward to tonight?

I'm feeling- it's spectacular.

I mean, I already.

I already came to towards forward,

which is me rocking this dress,

showcasing it for Miss Donatella.

And thank you so much, and happy birthday.

Thank you, thank you.

And you know, I love the theme.

I feel like a lot of fans didn't get,

I feel like a lot of fans don't get the theme

because they think like it's gilded,

it's supposed to be like.

[La La] Right, right. Like an era,

but gilded is gold, it's regal.

It could be any era for me.

Like, you know what I'm saying?

And it's like, I love it.

[La La] I hope everyone can see the detail.

Donatella, it is your birthday.

What a great way to celebrate your birthday.

Especially being with Cardi,

it's been an amazing few days.

Can you just tell us a little bit about this dress?

This is the most, one of the most

spectacular dress Versace did in history.

It really is. These are

metal chains, embroided, jewelry

and metal mesh, crystal mesh.

Unbelievable. And she's so brave

to wear it because it's so heavy.

Yeah. But look at her body.

Yes. She's insane,

only her, she can wear it.

Only her. Only Cardi B can wear it.

Yo, your body.

And you see now, an outfit

that only certain people can wear.

Absolutely, absolutely. And this is her.

Well, I'm so glad you guys

came over to say hi, happy birthday.

Thank you very much. You so sexy.

Thank you. I will see you inside.

Love you. [lips smacking]

I'll see you inside. See you inside, girl.

Yeah, okay, see you.

All right, so, Cardi gave Vogue

an exclusive look behind the scenes

at the making of tonight's incredible fit,

'cause I just saw it in person.

It is absolutely incredible.

Let's watch.

[Joshua] We chose to make something super metallic,

and over the top gold

as a reflection of this year's Met Gala's theme,

the gilded age.

The attitude of that time

was all about success and new opulence

and we envisioned Cardi B as

the modern Gibson girl of our time.

We have like 250 iconic, Medusa elements

and seven type of chains.

Almost one kilometers of chains and jewelry.

Cardi B and Donatella share a similar sense of glamor

and sense of humor, so it's the perfect collaboration.

I gotta practice my pose, hold on.

Oh, this I love, the sides of the nail.

I'm here with my sister.

Sisters. Her first time at The Met,

Khloé Kardashian.

Oh my gosh. All right, let,

let's talk, let's talk.

Let's talk. This is your first time.

My first time. So, we talked

on our text messages. Oh my God.

How are you feeling?

I feel good.

It's a much shorter carpet than I think.

Okay, so you thought it was- That I thought.

Right. But still it's so scary,

that it's fabulous and I'm so excited to be here

and I'm more excited- So how does it feel

that all of your- all of you guys are- well,

who knows where Kimberly's at,

she's coming, but all of you guys are here tonight.

Like how does that feel?

That's what I was gonna say.

I'm so excited that we're all here together,

Kourt and Trav are right behind us.

My mom, I think Kendall and Kylie just ran in

and Kim is on her way.

[La La] So it's gonna be a fun night.

What are you looking forward to

from your first Met experience?

I need a glass of champagne. [La La laughing]

So that's what I'm mainly looking forward to.

And I just had to be a part of this experience.

It's just, I don't know, it's something I've always wanted.

[La La] And your body, you look so.

Thank you.

[La La] You look so good, Khlo,

I'm so proud of you. Moschino.

[La La] Moschino, wow. Moschino.

[La La] That is amazing. This is so good,

and I think we did it in like 10 days.

[La La] Amazing. I said we

like I'm sewing it, but Jeremy, I love you, thank you.

[La La] Yes, amazing. It's Fab.

[La La] Well, let's go inside and have some fun.

[La La] Have some champagne. I love you.

You look so good. Bring me some champagne.

Oh girl, it's on way.

I'll see you in there. You look so good.

[Khloé] Okay, love you. Love you, bye.

All right, for sure.

[classical music]

All right, I am here with the icon herself,

Gwen Stefani.

The whole time I was like, who is- I couldn't see

who you were, but I was like, I saw the dress.

Oh, you can see the dress, right?

I was like, who is shutting it down like this?

Honestly. Tell me all about this.

but you're just such a icon. It's Vera.

Aw, thank you.

You have such beautiful eyes.

I'm sure I'm the- I'm so repeating

everyone else's words right now, I'm sure.

I appreciate it. I'm so happy to be here

at The Met ball, this is crazy.

So tell me the inspiration behind your look tonight

because you are a fashion icon.

Aww, you're sweet, you know what

I- Vera called me to see

if I wanted to come and be her date.

And of course I wanted to.

And the thing is, she did my wedding dress.

I got married this year.

So I just felt like it was appropriate

that I come to the ball and celebrate that.

And this is a dress, I don't know.

She's, she- we talked about so many things

and all of a sudden we're we're in neon.

[La La] And the color, I mean, it's just striking.

[La La] Yes. It's just

so amazing, now- And the flowers.

I dunno if you can see that on TV.

[La La] It's so, so, so good.

Vera Wang is just, I just love everything about her,

and you guys collaborating on this is just such a moment.

Definitely my vote for best dressed.

Oh my gosh, thank you.

Wow, oh, please, no.

[La La] It's so good, it's so good.

What are you looking forward to tonight?

I feel like I already did the fun part,

which is getting ready.

That's always my favorite thing.

Right, right. It's like,

what's the dress gonna be like

and the fantasy of that and talking with the designer

and like figuring out what the hair, the nails and makeup.

And honestly, I had a crazy day

because I was supposed to work with a new makeup artist

and we did a test together

and we were all excited about it.

And she had an emergency, she had to leave.

So I had to do my own makeup,

which was- yeah. You did your own makeup?

So I was like, kind of like, wow.

This is incredible.

You better be helping me up there.

You did so good. So- thank you.

I had a lot of fun doing it today

and it was stressful too, but in a good way.

Like I was like, all right, I got this,

You got it, you got it.

We have a- we have someone from social media,

I think from Twitter, who wants to say something to you.

Gwen Stefani's dress is a major yes for me,

you know I live for that neon color, hot.

Yes, everyone is talking about this color.

That's awesome. You brought something

so unique and different to the carpet.

Thank you so much. You know what,

I think it's just so- it feels happy, you know?

And I think everybody wants to feel little bit happy.

Happier, love your vibe.

Can't wait to see you inside, have the best night.

Thank you, have fun tonight. Okay, you too.

All right, see you later.

[classical music]

My sister has come and graced her presence here right now.

Lena Waithe is in the building.

No, no, no.

[La La laughs] What went- what- [La La laughs]

Tell me all about the- now, sis.

Yo. This what you wanted to do?

You just said I'm shutting it down.

I ain't even- I wasn't even

supposed to be here right now, okay.

But the people at Versace, Jason Bolden, made it happen.

I'm so grateful.

And I'm here,

[La La] we here. No, you came on like

I'm here, this is not I'm here, this is I'm here.

No, I'm happy to be looking at you, family.

[La La] So happy to see you.

[La La] Come on. This look is

everything. Thank so much.

[La La] Gilded glamor at its finest.

What does gilded glamor mean to you, when you heard that?

You know, I think it just means a little bit over the top,

but also restrained at the same time.

Which is a very interesting combination.

[La La] Yeah. But it's like,

that's what we giving right now. You giving me a head piece.

[La La] I'm loving the see-through-

[La La] Yeah. I'm loving

the see-through You know, this is some new.

Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace.

[La La] Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace.

What are you looking forward to tonight?

I'm looking forward to seeing the exhibit.

I'm looking forward to seeing all this fashion,

you know, my boy, Pyer Moss, I'm gonna go see that.

My girl Rota, Rota Blanc got some exhibited there.

Jenexsa, I'm excited to see the people.

[La La] So many creators.

[La La] Yeah, man. So many

amazing things.

Yeah. I can't wait to see that.

Well, I can't wait to see you inside.

We're gonna have a drink, we're gonna have some fun,

but this is definitely a shut down moment.

I love you, sis.

I love you so much. [lips smacking]

Love you so, so much.

Gimme a double kiss, come on. [lips smacking]

All right, cut it.

[classical music]

So the great thing about the Met Gala is

I get to see and hang with my family.

Gab and D are here, and this is just,

this look is everything.

I'm putting you guys on the best dressed couple list.

On the top, on the very top of that list.

So tell me all about- what this is.

I'm just glad that our friendship fees are going to you.

So, you know.

Tell me all about this.

This is from Versace,

they've been working on these looks

for many, many, many months.

And I like, from sketch to the execution,

is dead on and I'm- I kind of get a little emotional

when you talk about everything that goes into

the making of this dress and what inspired it.

'Cause when you think about the gilded age

and brown, black and brown people in this country,

this country is built off of our backs,

our blood, sweat, and tears.

So we added these red crystals

to represent the blood spilled during.

[La La] Wow. The accumulation

of gross wealth by a few, during the gilded age.

[La La] Wow. Off of the backs

of black people and people of color in this country.

So this is inspired by Diahann Carroll.

A symbol of opulence, and if you will,

like a gilded glamor- yeah.

I love that, I love that.

You just look absolutely stunning.

Bro, how you feeling tonight?

Tell us about your look.

I see a 'lil Versace. Well, you know.

Oh, I'm sorry, we on TV.

Well, yes, same thing.

We- our stylists, Thomas and Jason,

do a great job of making sure we stay together

and looking good, so we both wearing Versace,

we both got on Tiffany and Co. jewelry,

you know, all around.

So to me, it's just good to be back here at the Met Gala.

Like it's just- there's so much energy here, it's great.

You get to see so many friends and.

Of course. you know what I mean?

Just everybody, so it's just amazing

to be back here, on her side, you know.

I love that, I love you guys.

Especially with her, right now, so.

We got some fans who have something to say

from social media, Gabrielle Union,

an homage to Diahann Carroll.

I love that her and her stylist have been using

the Met Gala as a time to honor our icons.

That's amazing, and you really did that.

Thank you, we try.

I'm just emotional, so I'm like, thank you.

Thank you, Sherice.

Is it Sherice, Sherice?

Yes. Sherice?

Yes, thank you. Sherice?


Well I love you both so much.

Have the best time, I'll see you inside in a little while.

We'll see you in there. You're welcome,

we'll see you in there.

So we can party and have some fun.

Yeah. I love you.

Love you. [lips smacking]

Love ya, okay, all right, see you later.

[classical music]

My Bella is here and shutting it down like always.

You said you're only coming up here to talk to me.

This is what I love so much about you.

You know, I really, really get scared during interviews,

but I swear, I said, only coming up here for La La.

[La La laughs] And that's it.

And Vogue, of course. I love-

Of course, so tell me about your look.

Gilded glamor, I love this, I want everybody to see this

'cause this is absolutely stunning.

Tell me all about it.

This is Burberry by Riccardo Tisci, of course.

And you know, it was a- it was a back and forth,

which is so much fun

because at this point in our friendship,

we get to really, really collaborate.

And he's really great with not only creativity,

but just being able to have that fun moment together

and both of our ideas.

And it's a little bit of me, a little bit of him

and Raisa on makeup, Evanie on hair.

I was looking at it, it's so good.

Yeah and- thank you. That hair is so good.

And the makeup.

So you've been to The Met many times.

So what do you look forward to on a night like tonight?

I really look forward to getting up the stairs.

Yeah, that's. And getting them done.

[La La] Right. And then, honestly,

going inside and seeing everyone's look.

I mean, I just saw Nicki, and she looks amazing.

Rosalía was behind me.

[La La] Yes. So, so far so good.

And I'm a happy girl with what I've seen so far.

[La La] Yeah, so far so good.

And look at you, come on.

[La La] I love you so much, I'll see you inside.

Have the best time. I love you,

[La La] I love you, I love you. I'm so glad

that you came to say hi. [lips smacking]

I'll see you inside. I love you.

Okay, love you.

[classical music]

So my favorite decided to grace, the Met Gala carpet.

Nicki Minaj is here.

Hi, baby.

Hi, baby. How are you?

Oh no, you gotta tell me about this look

'cause- no, no, no, no, no.

You came and you said Imma shut it down today.

This is everything.

Talk to me about this.

Well, I'm here with my baby, Riccardo Tisci.

You know, I love Riccardo.

That's really my friend.

So I'm here supporting him.

That's all, but I love the hat.

The hat is so good. I'm obsessed with the hat.

I didn't wanna do the look if I couldn't do the hat.

So he let me wear the hat.

I love you Riccardo.

And tell me about the jewels

all over your face and your body,

'cause that's different and really, really fire.

And you know, I don't like to sit for stuff like that.

I know you don't, no, I know you don't.

I'm so impatient, but today,

it's for- everything for Riccardo.

I go on- I got on a plane for Riccardo, everything,

but bitch 'cause- it's because I love him so much.

And the team that did it,

my makeup artist, Kenya,

she did my face or whatever,

and then Pat McGrath's team did all my jewels.

[La La] Oh, they did that?

First of all, you know Pat is the queen

and I never worked with queen, with- never.

[La La] Wow, okay. Never before.

So I couldn't believe she was willing to work with me.

And she sent her whole team

and they did such an amazing job.

And I sat there 'cause I was honored- yeah.

It is an honor, for sure.

Where my Papa Bear at?

He at- he's here, he's in the- oh, gotcha.

Don't show my ti- listen.

[Rosalía] I love you, Nicki, I love you, I love you.

Ola, Mami.

I love you also.

I love you, too.

[Rosalía] Adios, [speaking foreign language].

Yes, adios. No you're good, you're good.

You're good. No, the only- the.

Yes, Papa Bear- said I wanna tell everybody

this the only- the only unplanned thing about my look

is my boobs popping out.

I know, Because my-

because they made- they made my cup size a little small.

I didn't want it- That was the size

before Papa Bear.

Yes, that's true.

I know it is. Papa Bear really do.

Enjoy these titties,

'cause y'all ain't gonna see it ever again.

I told everybody that they can. [Nicki grunting]

I can't wait to see you inside,

to have fun party. Okay, Mama.

I love you so much. You look amazing.

Thank you, love you. I love you, too.

I'll see you inside. I'm proud of you.

I love you, I'm proud of you, I love you.

Okay. All right.

I'll see you inside, okay.

All right, you good?

[Nicki] Yes. Okay, all right, love you.

[classical music]

I am here with Rosalía, who looks absolutely stunning.

So tell me about your look.

Tell me about your dress.

Thank you, you look stunning, too, by the way.

[La La] Thank you. So this is Givenchy,

and it's Matthew Williams, and you know,

there's some Victorian sleeves.

[La La] Right. But mix of textures

and some disruptive glass, some disruptive leather,

some elements, some elements.

The theme is there, but you know,

trying to reinterpret it a little bit.

[La La] Right, right. You know, it's gonna be hard

to beat this, the day of my wedding

when I have to find my wedding dress.

[La La] It is, you're right.

It's gonna be hard to beat this one.

[La La] You are definitely

a lot of people's favorites tonight.

We were looking on social media-

Wow. And everyone

was talking about your look.

This dress is incredible. Thank you.

And when you see it up close,

the construction of it, this is very detailed.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, you can tell there's so much work in it.

It's been three weeks.

Since three weeks, they've been working on it.

Working on it. Just three weeks they had.

That is incredible. Just three weeks

to create it. That is incredible.

I think it's being courageous that they can create this.

Yes, you did amazing.

You look gorgeous, I can't wait to see you inside-

Thank you- yeah, I'll see you there.

So we can dance and have fun.

Let's do it. All right, Rosalía.

[lips smacking]

I'll see you inside.

Yeah. Okay, baby.

All right, okay.

[classical music]

[Man] Got it.

[Man] He's over there, same spot.

[classical music]

My family has officially arrived.

The only two people I will wait all night for,

Kim and Pete are here.

Hey. Look at you.

Look at you. In our group chats,

it looked amazing, but in person, oh my God.

But look at you, okay.

Tell everyone, 'cause see,

I know the process it took to get in this.

Tell everyone the process of this whole entire situation.

Yes, well this is Marilyn Monroe's dress.

Unbelievable. And it's 60 years old,

and she wore this when she sang happy birthday

to president John F. Kennedy in 1962.

I had this idea to put it on and try it on,

and then they came with armed guards and gloves and.

That's so crazy. I tried it on,

and it didn't fit me.

And so I looked at them and I said, give like three weeks.

And I had to lose 16 pounds down today

to be able to fit this, but I- it was such a challenge.

It's amazing.

It was like a role.

Right, you getting ready for a role.

I was determined, yeah. I was determined to fit it.

Well, when you put your mind to something,

there's no- you were like eating tomatoes, it was like.

I don't think they believe me.

I don't think they believed that I was gonna do it.

You did it. And I did it.

You did it, you absolutely did it.

We have some fans coming in from social media.

What are you guys saying?

Kim Kardashian wearing Marilyn Monroe's

happy birthday Mr. President dress to The Met,

it's just everything.

I know it's so delicate.

I dyed my hair blonde,

but I still wanted to like- Yeah you did.

Be me. But I always loved

you as a blonde, I always. Yeah.

I'm excited to be blonde for a while.

Are you gonna stay blonde for a while?

Yeah. Okay, so we can

have some fun this summer.

Doesn't Pete look nice? Pete.

This is my brother. In Dior.


Check out La La's new hair product. [La La laughing]

It's really great, rice, it comes from rice,

it grows your hair back. [Kim and La La laughing]


Pete. Yes.

You look amazing.

Thank you. Doesn't he look so handsome?

You look handsome, you look hot.

Thank you, she didn't let me wear

my propeller hat, but it's fine.

No, you guys look amazing

and we're gonna have a fun night tonight.

I waited here for you guys, now I can go and have some fun.

And then afterwards, since I haven't eaten carbs

or sugar in about three weeks,

we're eating pizza, and donut party back at the hotel.

Okay, perfect. Yeah.

Yeah. Okay, I'll be there.

All right, I love you guys, see you inside.

Okay. Love you.

Okay, love you, see you guys inside.

[classical music]

That's it you guys.

That was our last interview of the night.

Some how, some way we did it, but before we go,

let's look back at some of our favorite looks

of the night in slow motion.


[Vanessa] Everything always looks better in slow motion.

It's a scientific fact.

[Hamish] It certainly does, you can see all the details.

It's perfect.

So many corsets this evening.

[La La] I love-

[Vanessa] Cara. Yeah.

[Hamish] All those kind of turn of the century,

hour glass looks.

[La La] Wow. Iconic.

[La La] I love that.

[Vanessa] It's been so amazing.

Just like really being able to talk to everyone.

Seeing everyone's looks first hand.

[La La] Billie.

[Hamish] I know this Gibson girl look,

I mean, it's just amazing.

[Vanessa] She can do no wrong.

[La La] This I loved as well.

So exciting tonight.

[Hamish] A lot of kind of. So many great looks.

[Hamish] Art deco, arte looks.

[Vanessa] And hot pink,

you always gotta have some hot pink.

Lizzo with her flute, gives me life.

And then the Jean Louis, Marilyn dress.

I mean, how astonishing,

how iconic could you get. Wow, wow.

So incredible. Iconic, iconic.

Well, you guys, great job. Unbelievable.

La La, you're amazing. You too.

Hamish, I adore you.

Thank you for making me look good.

I loved doing this with you both.

Yeah- that's right. We are a team.

Thank you. And I think we did

incredible and you both are absolutely incredible.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you for making me look good.

And now, it's time to party.

Oh my gosh. Now we can party.

Thank God for that.

And thank you all out there so much

for enjoying the show,

and make sure you keep the conversation going

on social media, and be sure to visit

for more exclusive content

and behind the scenes footage.

And while you're there,

become a member of Vogue Club

to unlock exclusive industry access,

gifts handpicked by our editors,

plus tickets to VIP events and global experiences.

Absolutely, and we'd like to thank

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

for another fantastic year.

And thank you again to everyone watching around the world.

You can watch it all again,

and catch all the highlights on,

where you can also vote

on some of your favorite looks of the night.

Thank you, and good night.

Good night, everyone.

Good night. Time to go have fun.

[dramatic music]