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'Feud' Cast Test How Well They Know Each Other

The cast of FX's 'FEUD: Capote Vs. The Swans' test who knows one another best in this episode of Vanity Fair Game Show. They filmed together, but how much do they actually know about each other? What activity did Jennifer Coolidge catch Tom Hollander doing on 'The White Lotus'? Which exclusive club do Molly Ringwald and Demi Moore allegedly belong to? What's Naomi Watts' biggest pet peeve?

New episodes of FX's FEUD: Capote Vs. The Swans air Wednesdays on FX and stream on Hulu.

Director: Adam Lance Garcia
Director of Photography: Jeremy Harris
Editor: Louis Lalire
Talent: Tom Hollander; Diane Lane; Ryahn Murphy, Molly Ringwald; Chloë Sevigny; Naomi Watts
Coordinating Producer: Kevyn Fairchild
Line Producer: Romeeka Powell
Associate Producer: Emebeit Beyene; Sahara Pagan
Production Manager: Andressa Pelachi
Production Coordinator: Elizabeth Hymes
Talent Booker: Meredith Judkins; Paige Garbarini
Camera Operator: Rebecca Van Der Meulen
Gaffer: Vincent Cota
Sound Mixer: Mike Guggino; Phillip Kim
Production Assistant: Justine Ramirez
Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds

Released on 02/01/2024


Which exclusive club do Demi Moore and I

allegedly belong to?

Oh, does this have something, is this dirty?

What kind of club? Mile high?

[all laugh]

[whimsical music]

I'm Tom Hollander.

I'm Chloë Sevigny.

I'm Diane Lane.

I'm Naomi Watts.

I'm Molly Ringwald.

And, we're playing, How well do you know each other?

for Vanity Fair.

What activity did Jennifer Coolidge catch me doing

on The White Lotus?

Oh! Picking your nose.

No, having sex with a man!

[Molly laughs]

Eating a chip butty.

♪ One up the butty ♪ Well, exactly.

♪ one up the bum ♪ [Molly laughs]

♪ One up the butty ♪ Okay, you're writing it,

♪ And no harm done ♪ this is absurd.

Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?

[Molly Ringwald] Having sex with a man.

Learning my lines.

[Group] Oh!

I thought it was in like-

In character, she did Oh, as him.

definitely catch me doing anal.

All right, we're already Are we allowed to say that?

playing this wrong. [Molly and Naomi laugh]

Chloë gets one! So, which one?

Learning your lines? What is it?

No, having sex with a man.

Mine's a joke answer. Okay.

Which series did I win a BAFTA for?

Pride and Prejudice.

Oh, no, wait. Should have done, no.

All of the above. [Naomi laughs]

There was a-

Oh, wait.

White Lotus?


The Night Manager?


[group cheers]

[bell dings]

I'm so happy somebody's winning!

Who in the cast would be most likely to beat me in a duel?

[Chloë And Molly] Diane.

Wow. Oh!

[Chloe laughs] I'll take it.

That's amazing, because that is what I was gonna write.

Me and Molly are tied.

I don't get any points for that, by the way.

[Tom] That's amazing.

[whimsical music]

How many novels have I written?

Four. Three.

I was gonna say written, or translated, or both?

You're on it, Chloe. It just says written.

I read one that Molly translated,

from the French.

Bien fait!

So is it one, or is there more?

Chloe gets it.

Woo! [bell dings]

I read it. I loved it.

Recommend it.

What is my favorite city in the world?

[Chloe And Tom] Paris.

New York.

[Molly chuckles]


[bell dings]

I'm on the board, finally.

Which exclusive club do Demi Moore and I

allegedly belong to?

Oh, does this have something, is this dirty?

[Naomi Watts] What kind of club?

[Diane Lane] Is it a BP?

Mile high?

[all laugh]

Naomi Watts. Reputations,

torched on this show!

Is it working with a specific director?


[Chloë Sevigny] Is it?

Wait, I don't think

you could do Sleeping with a

20 questions. certain someone.


We need a clue.

It's a made up club.

Oh, I know! The Brat Pack.

Ding ding ding ding! Oh yes,

that's right! Oh, my God!

I said BP!

That was good!

I was trying to be demure,

I said BP You did say BP.

She said BP straightaway.

[Producer] All right,

Diane gets one, too. Oh, Diane gets one, too!

Oh, give me a half a point

for that, at least. That was really good.

[bell dings] I didn't have the courage

to yell it out.

[whimsical music]

Okay, what is my biggest pet peeve?

That's hard.

[Naomi Watts] Yeah, it is hard, isn't it?


Well, I'm just gonna take a leap.

Go on.


It's not, but that would've been

a good one. Good, Diane.

That's a really good one! That would've been.

I went for something more superficial. But that's-

People talking during takes?

It's a great one, too.

[all laugh]

I wanna see all the above.

People who chew gum.



That's a good one, too.

But someone stealing your park.

It's just a peeve. Not a-

Stealing your park?

Your car park, your space.

[Group] Oh!

I'm on set. You know, when you are like

going in, and then. I was totally on set.

Somebody stole Central Park for me, I was.

Too hard.

Okay, what is my biggest fear?

Oof, fear.


[all laugh] That's a great one.

Yes. Failure and irrelevance.


Oh, phobias, phobias. Arachnophobia.



Ah, close. Reptiles? Cockroaches?


[Molly And Chloe] Sharks.

Snakes. Rabbits?

[Molly And Chloe] Wow!

I said reptile.

♪ I don't like spider snakes ♪

Okay, this one you'll be able to answer.

Who would I want to play me in a biopic?


And, I'm quite young in this biopic.

[all laugh]

Oh, Florence Pugh.

Okay. She's good.

The Irish actress. She knows her.

Yes. Yes.

I can't say it! Saoirse Ronin?

[Tom Hollander] Saoirse Ronin.

I get that! [bell dings]

[Tom] That's a good one for you.

I didn't write, and how can you

spell her name, so. Oh, you got it.

[all laugh]

Oh, yeah, that.

Saoirse. Yeah, that's a better fit.

Every vowel.

[whimsical music]

What was my first non-acting job?

Usher. I'd say-

fashion? Playground?

Model? Being a model?

[Naomi Watts] Babysitting.

Model in the Fiorucci window?

Close. Swept the clay tennis courts

at a club that I did not belong.

Wow. Fifth grade.

Yeah, we weren't gonna remember

that specific. It's so specific.

That was very specific. Okay, who is my fashion icon?

Oof. See, this is gonna be a.

Can we have a clue?

Yeah, old Hollywood glamour.

Deitrich, Marlene. Yep!

Wow! She nailed that.

[Chloe] [bell dings] Ding, ding, ding.

Look at you. That was amazing.

That was a total. Wow.

What is my most prized possession?

Your baby. Yeah, your kid.

Ding, ding, ding.

[bell rings] Vanya.

Naomi wins my round. I like that.

I know this woman. And, I think Ryan is here.

[Ryan] I'm here.

To get in the hot seat?

[Ryan] I'm coming in the hot seat.

Oh, my God!

[Diane Lane] I figured as much.

I hope these are very hot burning questions.

[group laughs]

[Diane Lane] Very pressing of the day.

[whimsical music]

What's the crime I'm most likely to be convicted for?

Tax evasion?

[all laugh]

Molly gets to it. No, no.

What do I write about all the time?

[Chloë Sevigny] Plagiarism?

No. Murder?


[Naomi Watts] I was just gonna say,

Serial killer. I said it first!

Wow, passions. I swear I did.

[bell dings] Play the tape back,

I said it first.

Who was the last person I called on my cell phone?


Called. Simon Halls?


Charles Sapong.


Robbie Banks? It's a tie.


Your child?

[Naomi Watts] So two people were on the-


Wait, your child and David?


One of your other children. Your decorator?


Your art buyer.


Your significant other?

No, it was Demi and my oldest child.

Oh, wow.

We would never have got that. It's a glamorous combo.

What is my

astrological sign? Gemini.

Wow. Never.

[Molly laughs] Scorpio.

He's gotta be fire! The speed, the speed.

Triple Scorpio! Me too!

Oh, triple Scorpio! Triple Scorpio.

Okay, which swan do I want to be?

And which swan am I the most like, in my real life?

Wow. Whoa.

Aspire for C.Z.

Actually are

[Chloe And Diane] Slim.

[Ryan laughs]

Yeah, I say Babe and Slim.


I would-

I would have said Babe, yeah.

But, but who does But Babe, you want to be.

I say C.Z. and Slim.

Fascinating. I'll do aspire to be.

Babe. Babe!

And the most like, for a reason, I'll tell you.

C.Z. C.Z.

[Group] Oh!

We all got it kinda flip de dooed!

[Ryan] I like gardening,

and I like gloves! I got Babe.

I was gonna say, it's veggies!


[all laugh]

[Ryan] Veggies. So that's my questions.

[whimsical music]

My hands are shaking. Wow, I'm nervous.

How many languages can I speak?

Three. One.

No, two. Four. Four.

I love you! I know!

She's right. [all laugh]

How many? Two.

What's the other language? I got that one.

French. Just some French.

It's not just. Dos.

Now, that's cheating, 'cause it's really three.

[Naomi Watts] How many novels have I written?

I can speak two languages. Trick question.

Oh, for which film was I nominated for an Oscar?

Political- Unfaithful!

Unfaithful. Unfaithful.


is the answer to the question [bell dings]

with my bad penmanship.

Okay. What is my weirdest on set habit?

I can't wait to hear the answers to this.

Uh, ear pods.

Ear pods?

Ear pods between scenes.

Interesting. That's not so weird.

It's not weird, it's just a behavior.

I think that it's slippers.

I like it. Slippers.

Bringing your own cooler full of food and milk.

Oh, yeah, so far all of these are true.

Bring my own food.

Do you really?

Yeah, I'm bad.

Is that because you hate craft service food?

I mean, I need to eat for energy,

not for what I would eat if I were given the options.

So we'll just stick with these.

Bring your own food and bring your slippers.

[bell dings] That's good.

Yes. That's it.

[all cheer] Chloë!

So did you win win? Oh that's right,

Oh, yes, I got this lovely little statue!

[Ryan] Is he chocolate?

[Chloe] No.

Don't bite him and find out he's not!


Thanks everybody. Thanks, Vanity Fair.

Thank you. Thanks for watching.

[whimsical music]

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