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'The Umbrella Academy' Cast Break Down Season 4 Fan Theories

Aidan Gallagher, Elliot Page, Tom Hopper, Robert Sheehan, Ritu Arya, Justin H. Min and David Castañeda take turns reading, confirming and denying 'The Umbrella Academy' fan theories from Reddit. Will character timelines be doubled? Is Sloane actually Abigail? Will Five encounter his death in Season Four?

Released on 08/08/2024


Plot twist. Lila and Diego's baby grows up

to adopt the handler.


So she'd be our granddaughter.

Wait, but then, wait. No, but the handler-

But if the baby exists...

Lila. Yeah. Yeah.

[Aidan laughing]

[rock music]

I wouldn't miss what's coming for the world.

Hello, vanity Fair. We're the cast

of The Umbrella Academy and we're gonna talk

about some fan theories.

Be warned. There are spoilers ahead.

Maybe. We don't know yet.


And the numbers.

51466129. Sounds like a terminator.

Oh, Zach51466129.

Yeah, I know him well.

I know exactly, yeah. Good to see you again.

We are gonna be seeing double on the main cast, aren't we?

The ones who lost their powers

and the ones who still have their powers

in the new timeline.

Oh! Oh my god.

That's amazing! That would've been so fun.

That's a great storyline.

Time consuming.

Time consuming, double the schedule.

But it would've been very fun.

Why don't you guys hire Zach?

Zach51466129, you clever sod. Very good.

Is he saying that there would be two of each of us?

Yeah. We'd be doppelgangers.

That would've been incredible.

One with powers one without. Brilliant idea.

It'd be a lot of timeline psychosis flatulence in there.

Well then technically there would've been multiple, right?

'Cause we've now switched multiple timelines.

Yeah. So we should be triplets.

Wait, how many versions are there then?

There's wait. 'Cause...

How many times have we split timelines

One per time line. And we split timelines.

And then I meet, like, a Viktor who's, like, 5' 9.

[all laughing]

That's pretty funny.

S, s, s, Sanchez.

Allison will become a villain.

She crosses the line with her powers again.

Shut your mouth!

Knock off the power shit, Allison. It's not Okay.

Five says to Viktor in episode seven, A superhero

who works alone is a villain.

Maybe it's a foreshadowing for Allison.

We didn't see her reunite with the rest of the academy

in the end.

Another great storyline that we, that we didn't do.

I'm loving these.

We shouldn't. Yeah, we shouldn't be spoiling these.

Allison was a villain in season three. So I, I think,

Why was she a villain?

'Cause she destroyed all of our lives.

She destroyed the universe.

Come on dude.

You didn't see season three?

No, I haven't watched it.

That's so cool.

If she becomes a villain,

what about Reggie Hargreeves?

What happens to him?

You know, she just throws him down

an elevator shaft or something.


You know, 'cause you're gonna have

to get him outta the way for either Five

or Allison to become villains or both.

Once a villain. Always a villain.


Okay. This comes from Didiaskyoutoreadthis.


I guess you did.


So, I've heard a theory that when Klaus had summoned

Luther's ghost, Sloane traded her life for his.

Another theory I've heard is that Reginald

had replaced Sloane's body with his deceased wife

on the moon, which would be a sick storyline

if Luther had to go back to retreat her.

I mean, I might use that in these interviews

because I've been asked so much what's happened to Sloane.

So I might use that as a theory.

Thank you, Didiaskyoutoreadthis.

Yeah. Thanks, you, you've given me an out.

Should write for season five.

Wait, so Sloane, Sloane became a white woman?

Is that, is that what we're saying?

[laughing] Yeah.

Exactly. Sloan became an older white woman.

Who's banging Reginald?

Filling in all the potholes on our behalf, which is great.


This is from Nick Venable.

I can even take a gigantic leap here by positing the idea

that the Hargreeves siblings went back

to the year that Umbrella Ben died,

so that they could possibly reverse

or alter the Jennifer incident

so that Ben never died because of it.

Oh. Never died.

Nick Venable.

Venabling an entirely new series of our show.

So what is it? So we go back to the time

when the Jennifer incident...

So that you guys can save me.

I would love that.

So you just stop it in motion.

I mean, that's a great theory.

Well we tried to do that. We do do that.

Well, that's a spoiler now.

Oh yeah. We don't do that.

We don't do that.

Yeah but I warned them. I warned them.

Who knows what we do or don't do? Not us.

Underscore underscore hhsj.

Plot twist. Lila and Diego's baby grows up

to adopt the handler.


Now I'd be up for that one.

'cause we'd mean we'd have the handler back

in the form of Kate Walsh.

To adopt the handler.

So she'd be our granddaughter?

No, no, but the handler adopts Lila.

Yeah, yeah, but then it's, we're playing

in a different view.

I think it's just a, like, a what if.

I don't think it messes with the timeline.


How can the baby, the baby exists?

[Aidan laughing]

So did we mess up the handler?

This video is just us trying to work this out.

That would be like a cycle.

Yeah, exactly.

Time is cyclical, isn't it?

I think it would be more interesting

if your baby was Reggie.

Any questions?

This comes from simply question mark.


Not the words question mark, just the symbol.

Don't forget, I'm pretty sure in the season four trailer,

Reginald said something like,

You children haven't scratched the surface

of your potential.

So I think this season we're, thank you,

this season we're gonna see them get way more powerful.

Especially Klaus.

Does it say that?

[laughing] It does actually. It actually says that.

I thought he added that too.

Not giving nothing away, but there's a few of us

[makes honking sound]

that get some power boosts.

I got power boosts in series three, though.

I think I got more power boosts in series three

than series four.

'Cause remember I could float and all by the end of it.

Oh yeah.

Yeah, you, yeah.

I don't think I ever got a power boost.

You're always just

getting shot at. I mean, you've been,

you've been just kind of getting shot at.

You're a sandbag.

[laughing] A sandbag?

I'm a walking sandbag.

Could you block bullets like that before

'cause you block a lot of bullets.

Yeah. There's the moment in season two when you see me

take a rocket to the back.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

In the beginning. Yeah.

In that fight that never happens.

Right. In reality.

Oh, and you jump over like a skyscraper.

I'm really agile.

Yeah, you're really agile in season two.

And then in season four, yes. We might take some bullets.


Okay. I was watching a TikTok,

that's always a good start, of Umbrella Academy theories

and one of them was this. Holy shit.

Sloane is, is Abigail. Buh-dum-buh-da!

They really look alike.

Sloane is Abigail.


They do not look alike at all.

Look at this!

There's a resemblance.

Are you kidding me? Is that the same eye color?

It's uncanny.

They don't look, don't look alike?

You want it?

They're lit very similarly. Look at them.

They got the same upper lip. They look alike.

Yeah. Look!


Sloane betrays Luther and the umbrellas.

When the umbrellas emerged from the hotel oblivion

and arrive in the new reality,

some notable people are missing.

Allison, Reginald and Sloane.

Both Reginald and Allison are revealed

to be living their dream lives.

But Sloane isn't shown with the others or anywhere else.

It's possible that Sloane was secretly working with Reginald

to unite the families by getting Luther laid

and to fall in love with her.


That would be so sad for Luther.

Everything was a lie. Brutal.

That's very Game of Thrones-y.

If Genesis was playing that

and me not knowing, she was very good.

Yeah. Yeah.

Very subtle. Yeah.

Was it David Cross playing Sloane?

David Cross is Sloane.

That's a good theory.

I wondered why he was giving me eyes.

This is from Galaxy_Moon707.

My friend and I have a theory that Five is going

to die in season four.

The apocalypse is following him rather than Viktor

or anyone else.


In season two, his siblings have been living there

for years, but the apocalypse only happened

once Five appeared. The theory is in season four,

He realizes that and he knows that the only way

to save his family is that he dies.

Five is not that heroic. Not by far.

The sacrificial lamb. Is that true?

The sacrificial lamb. Braveheart.

Seems to be addicted to stopping apocalypses.

Therefore creating them as well so he can stop them.


Yeah. I feel like Five the kind of guy who's like,

I'm, I'm just not into drama.

And that's like exactly what Five, like, thrives on.


Okay. We got a, ooh, all right everybody, get comfortable.

Is Abigail Hargreeves the real big bad?

In season one, the handler says

that the Time Commission's job is to ensure

the correct timeline takes place in spite of free will.

This always struck me as odd because in a universe

with free will, why do they get to decide

which timeline is correct?

We know that the apocalypse is one of the things

that the Time Commission considers part

of the correct timeline.

We also now know that Reginald's plan for saving the world

wasn't so much preventing the apocalypse,

but remaking the world into one

where Abigail Hargreeves is still alive.


I think the time commission being so adamant

that the apocalypse happens isn't so much

to wipe out humanity, but to ensure Abigail stays dead.


Evidence is that Reginald hid Abigail on the moon

and later had Luther guard her.

Hiding someone on the moon seems a bit extreme.

So he clearly thinks that someone out there wants

to disrupt his plans to bring her back.

I might be reaching, but it seems that future Five

and a load of others would rather have an apocalypse

than live in a world where Abigail Hargreeves,

which makes me wonder just how bad she could possibly be.


Schurke, if you're looking for a job, mate,

you can be my, you can be my head writer.

We've given out a lot of jobs.

That's a really good, Schurke.

You'll be paid in hugs and twiglets.


Not money.

When you think of like, this is the season

where Abigail's been the most there and then what happens?


I mean, I think it's a decent theory.

It's very good.

Be a preventative measure that they were

going for. Absolutely.

♪ So gather 'round, piggies, and kiss this goodbye ♪

♪ I'd encourage your smiles ♪

♪ I'll expect you won't cry ♪

So the world's ending again, huh?

God, that's tragic.

We liked Schurke, didn't we?

We gonna make the first interview Schurke.

Yeah, Schurke's very good.

I like that kid at the beginning as well. Zach.

Oh yeah.

51, 51466129

Oh yeah. That was very good.

I liked the Lila Diego baby adopts the handler one.

Yeah, that's a good one.

That was, that spun us out a bit.

Seeing double of each of us was very good.

Oh, that one. The doubles.

Yeah, the doubles was great.

So we've got at least three new writers on the show.

On the show that's over. That's over. So, well done.

You're not employed, but you have potential.

You've got great writing. Writing capability,

but terrible timing.

Yeah, unfortunately. You're a little too late.

Just not a job on the show.