
Crown Prince Hussein and Princess Rajwa Introduce a New Royal Baby to the World

“Our family has never been happier,” said Hussein’s mother, Queen Rania of Jordan, after the birth of Princess Iman, her first grandchild.
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Jordan Pix/Getty Images.

Fourteen months after Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan married Princess Rajwa in a ceremony that included Prince William, Kate Middleton, and Princess Beatrice on the guest list, the couple has welcomed one more member to the Jordanian Royal Family. Princess Iman was born on August 3 at Amman’s King Hussein Medical Center, and on Wednesday, the new parents introduced her to the public as they left the hospital.

A video shared to social media by Jordan TV shows Hussein holding his new daughter in a car seat with one hand and holding Rajwa’s hand in the other. The couple smiled and waved as they entered a BMW to head back to their residence. Hussein later shared photos of the family on their arrival home to Instagram. “Heartfelt thanks to the dedicated personnel of the Royal Medical Services for their exceptional care over Rajwa and Iman during the past few days,” he wrote.

Iman is the first grandchild of King Abdullah, who has been Jordan’s constitutional monarch since 1999, and his wife Queen Rania. After Iman’s birth, Rania shared photos of the extended family visiting the hospital to meet the new baby on her Instagram account. “Iman, you’ve already got a hold of my heart,” she wrote. “Our family has never been happier!”

Hussein (like Prince William, a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst) is Abdullah’s heir apparent and serves as a major in the Jordanian army. In July, he was praised by the royal court chief, Yousef Issawi, for his work overseeing the dispatch of a field hospital to Gaza. He and Rajwa, who is the daughter of a wealthy Saudi businessman and distant relative of King Salman, announced their engagement in October 2023.