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22 Dead After Explosion at Ariana Grande Concert in United Kingdom

Manchester police reported that a suicide bomber detonated a bomb near the venue exit.
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Concertgoers leave the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester after reports of multiple explosions, and at least 19 fatalities.By Dave Thompson/Getty

Manchester, U.K. authorities reported at least 22 fatalities at an Ariana Grande concert on Monday night, among them children. The singer was described as safe by a label representative to Variety. The Greater Manchester Police confirmed that they were considering the event terrorist-related:

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According to NBC News, a suicide bomber detonated an improvised explosive device around 10:30 p.m. local time, as people were exiting the arena. The bomber was also killed in the attack, but police later confirmed to NBC that a 23-year-old man had been arrested in connection with the attack.

BuzzFeed reporter Hannah Al-Othman was on the scene in Manchester, and shared descriptions of confusion and a massive police presence on Twitter:

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The Independent spoke to attendees who described a stampede after an unidentified, loud bang caused a panic in the crowd. “Everyone just fled,“ said one unnamed fan. “Some people were injured. We saw blood on people when we got outside. People were just running all over the place.”

Grande, currently on her Dangerous Woman Tour, reportedly postponed her tour indefinitely early Tuesday morning.

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